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Mrs Jeturbo

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Ok DEPRESSION.......the big D!!!

I have no idea about it and never spoken to anybody about it so this is the first time for me.

I think I sometimes suffer from it but not sure.

I think everybody does to some degree.

I usually make fun of myself to mask it or just act like a clown.

Night shift tends to bring it on as well.

Now I could be totally up myself for self diagnosing but I'll be damned if I'm gonna see a shrink.

I once did one of those FB questionnaires and after trying to answer it honestly it came back with something like borderline suicidal lol.

I have absolutely no reason to feel depressed, I have a great life, no money worries, great heathy kids, a wife who's my best friend, good health, great mates and of coarse this forum

Sometimes I think it's just because I'm bored but I lack motivation to get off my arse and do anything .

But one thing I do know is that I need challenges.

Overcoming challenges always makes me feel good.

But it's getting harder and harder to challenge myself, I find all sorts of excuses that I tell myself.

Fuggin old age ain't helping either, not only has my brain slowed down to walking pace but my body just can't hack the physical stuff I'm used to doing.

So I don't know what the fug I'm doing!

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I think the hardest part for a lot of people is coming to terms with just being ok.

When you've had a life full of work, mortgages, tasks, kids, social life etc etc it's very hard when all of a sudden u cut out some stuff and have time to yourself and start thinking about some of life's bigger issues.

Depression is different for everyone.

I myself have yo yo"d in and out of depression my whole adult life.

However I am such a logical person I am very capable of talking my problems out with myself and shelfing them for later which isn't always the best Lol

Talking isn't everyone's thing.. But I am seeing a psychologist at the moment relating to some stuff that happened very early on in my life and I must say... It really does help answer questions you didn't know meant something to u.

It's really more then sitting in a chair like in the movies. I honestly didn't know what to say at the start and were four sessions down and I feel like I am actually achieving things mentally I haven't been able to do my whole life. I won't bore u with the details but it really helps when things are explained to you and it makes u understand yourself better.

Humans have complicated life with technology, money, assets and responsibilities that mentally it's questionable weather as a species we were ready for. It's not surprising most people at some point in their life go through periods of emotional stress and unknown.

The only thing u can take from that is if you've acknowledged the problem your a huge way there... And if are proactively doing something about t then you are half way to fixing the problem.

The thing people take for granted is their mind ... We go to the gym to be fit and eat well and look after ourselves. But very few people exercise their mind and emotional wellbeing.

And it's like a bad injury, once it's fhucked it's very hard to repair and takes a lot of determination, discipline and strength.

But it's worth it

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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Depression. My cure.

Beers, loud heavy metal music and a cross word.

If that doesn't work I get in my car and go for a drive. A very CRAZY fast wild drive.

(No beers before driving though )

Edit: need one of these magical fitness devices.

Edited by Bizkets is fat?
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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Tex & Fluff

If I was sitting in a certain metting I would say "thanks so much for sharing".

It (imho) is the quiet killer. So many people, both men and women are - for whatever reason - scared to open up to a friend, loved-one, Doctor etc. about what they are experiencing.

In my case (when I was younger growing up in a mining town in NSW), there was NO WAY that I would ever think that I suffered Depression let alone talk to someone about it so I tried to hide all those feelings by drinking.

Even if/when my mother did see something not 'right' with me, she would say "cheer up" or "snap out of it". How the fark could I when I didn't know what was happening to me so again, I would hide in the bottle.

A couple of suicide attempts - obvious now to me that they were attention seekers - and many failed relationships later it was discovered that one of the causes of my depression was the contents of all those friggen bottles so I finally (35 years later) asked for help.......and I received it.

Long story...... sorry..... but the guts of it is ----

If you (anyone) feel(s) that they feel sad or depressed most of the time, please seek help.

Beyond Blue is a good start or your Doctor but please - unlike I was for so many years - please be honest with them.


how many steps did everyone do today?

I need some motivation to help me go further than 9 houses tonight

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You seem wise beyond your years Princess.

I think your right about a lot of what you've said.

I never thought about this stuff when I was younger, but now I'm older I do.

For me it's trying to come to terms with what my body and brain can and can't do.

And also trying to figure out what I really want to do or think I should be doing at my age.

It's really weird trying to work out what you like or dis-like about something you think you like.

What I'm trying to say is sorting through the closet of your mind.

Errrr I think?????

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