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Why No Water To Air Intercoolers?


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Cost, complexity, weight.

For most road applications, front mounted air-air is more than sufficient.

With water-air you need two heat exchangers (rather than one) fluid and a fluid drive.

As for response... modern hi-end/hi-po road cars now feature software filters to dampen throttle response.

Running shock torque loads into the contact patches, especially before weight transfer has occured, is bad for grip and chassis stability, which is fine if you are inducing instability in order to generate agility, but, not so fine if you are tooling around on the road.

Turbo threshold and lag (what lag there is left these days) can be your friend in road situations where grip is marginal, such as on wet roads.

Agree with everything except lag on a wet road being your friend. Power multiplication in a very short rpm range, ie significantly increasing your output in a few hundred rpm as the boost starts to ramp it, breaks sh*t, and in the case of wet weather its traction, violently. I think id rather have the quicker response and do my best to modulate so as not to upset the balance of the car rather than having to use alot of throttle, have it all of a sudden explode like a stick of dynamite and have to roll out very sharply and try modulate wheel spin.

You can see this in effect by using a higher gear coming out of a corner. Where you should use say second use third and push the throttle hard(in the wet). I guarantee there will be a point where all hell suddenly breaks loose. Where as second would have indeed been sketchy also but more predictable and controllable.

Just my own observations from experience.

Edited by barnz
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Modulating something is fine provided that you have the skill and attention to deal with the situation.

On a more fundamental level, where two systems interact (say car and driver) and the control system response is slower than the action of the slave system, the potential exists to create a negative feedback loop; the control system first overshoots and then it overcompensates...then it overshoots....

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While I understand what you are saying, I don't think it is terribly relevant here.

You could just as easily say "More power has downsides (eg fuel consumption and parts breakages) so you should not mod your car for more power". That would also be correct in some people's opinions, but probably not the general population of this forum.

How often has a turbo car owner (more specifically, someone on this forum) said "I wish my car was less responsive" and how often do they say "I wish my car was more responsive"?

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The WTA cooler debate - interesting. As best as I can undertsand it, the whole game is aimed to have minimal restriction in the air intake system coupled with the intake air charge entering the engine at ambient temperature (or lower). If you are going to the trouble of introducing a fluid based cooling system to reduce the temperature of the aircharge, then why not work out a way of lowering the charge temperature with chilled water via a refridgerated system? Not taking the p*ss here but that would be the best outcome. Certainly a serious engineering problem given the design limitations of the car but maybe ??? possible.

Or maybe........ the financial strain of xmas has wrecked what's left of my brain?

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  • XR50T
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Best W2A setup I've seen on a falcon is the Snort Performance Ice-man liquid plenum. But it's made for the EA-AU falcon.





Would be pretty sweet to see a similar setup for the B Series or FGs.

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