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  • Dropping a turd
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Might be a good option to change the coils for genuine ford. Considering all the cash you have spent don't scrimp on the coils

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 7d
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Excellent build mate, no cut corners, no B/S

Well done !

Just something to keep in mind is the bosch 2200cc injectors HAD issues with E85 not being compatible, unsure if this has changed recently but keep it in mind ;)

Thank you. I greatly appreciate your feedback and I will investigate this further when the supplier reopens after Christmas. :beerchug:

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 7d
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Might be a good option to change the coils for genuine ford. Considering all the cash you have spent don't scrimp on the coils

Here I was thinking that they were the same... Silly me.... Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it. :beerchug:

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I am chasing a high flow 10 micron high flow fuel filter, that has a metal, re washable element. The larger the surface area of the filter and size, the better..... I would greatly appreciate any input that forum members could give me on brand and models of filters.........

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks for the information. It is greatly appreciated..


After assembling the short in late October, I decided to install larger valves and do major porting of the cylinder head. Given the size of the valves, we dummy fitted the head so that we could determine what clearance we had on on the valve relief's, on the pistons. After we determined the centre of the valve, we realised that the clearances were a little too close for comfort. So, the bottom was disassembled and the pistons milled.

Before machining:

After machining:

As you can see, the remaining material at the outer edge of the piston was unacceptably thin, so it was removed. The whole bottom end was then recleaned and components and the reassembly initiated.

Upon installing the oil pick up (wasn't installed previously), we identified a problem. In it's standard configuration, the bottom oil pick up would only clear the bottom of the sump by 2mm. We also noted, that due to the addition of the mains stud girdle, the height if the pick up mount was increased. This caused the pick up flange (at the oil pump) to be misaligned with the oil pump. In order to rectify the problem, we made minor adjustments to the lenght two main studs. The first to be adjusted, was a stud that was positioned directly under the middle of the pick up tube, as it was touching the pick up. The other was the studs that the pick up's brace attaches to. Despite lowering the mounting height of the pick up, we found that it was not sufficient to square up the flange. So, we cut about 10mm of material from the pick up brace ans rewelded the mount. Problem solved.....
Unfortunately, as I have not completed polishing the timing cover, assembly ceased.

Stay posted, more updates soon....


I was only thinking about my problems with the splitters for the DJR kit the other day. So, while browsing Ebay, I performed a search for "DJR". Much to my delight, I found these...

NOS - Genunie DJR splitters. So, I snapped them up and they are in transit. If anyone else is interested in a set, they have another set listed....



The Drive Shaft Shop 1400hp drive shafts arrived today. The picture really doesn't show how big these things really are.

With any luck, I will have the new IRS and fuel system fitted before the car gets its engine bay painted on Sunday.

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Hey nice one, quick question... When u fly cut the pistons what was your P-V clearance, were u already in the single digits? What was the after P-V ?

Your right its very thin going around the skirts

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