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I started to modify the Nizpro garnish, so that I could fit the grommets for the ignition leads. The numbers written on the cover reflects the material thickness at each hole. As you can see, the covers are very thick in this area and require a lot of material to be removed, despite having already milled the top....


Edited by HI PSI
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  • Member For: 18y 9m 14d
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  • Location: Central Queensland

I have finished machining the material from the under side of the Nizpro cover and fitted the grommets. The leads are a nice firm fit and I am confident that water will not get into the spark plug tubes when cleaning the engine bay. I had to heat and bend the MSD spark plug tubes, as the plugs are at a slight angle and was offset to the grommets. It was a royal pain in the arse, getting them to bend and required a lot of heat.

I cut the hole in the firewall and installed the grommet for the ignition lead to run through. After which, I ran the leads through the garnish and ran them through the firewall and unfortunately, all did not go as planned. The grommet in the firewall has to bend to fit into the firewall, and as a result, I didn't have enough height to stack the leads in single file, like I wanted. No matter what I tried. it ended up looking very congested and untidy. Not happy !!!! This is what it looked like.....


After a bit dicking around, I managed to get it to look reasonably neat. But, I need to find something to replace the zip ties and that won't look like poo.. Oh well, just another challenge..... I have also noticed another problem.. The lead set that I purchased was designed for a V8 and already had the plug ends attached. As a result, I can only run the leads with the writing facing the drivers side of the car, as having it facing the passengers side, would have the writing up side down... So I going to have purchase some new terminals and chnge some leads out, as it looks silly without it....GRRRRRR. FML.... Here is the alternate configuration of the leads.. Let me know what you think....



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I don't think there's going to be a good looking way for those leads unless you can come in from the rear of the engine and underneath the garnish, IMHO. Will look very different if left this way (not necessarily a bad thing, over time)

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