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Ttg Plazmaman Vs Chinese Ebay


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What's the average drop across a system? Few psi? That is powaaaaaa robbed, quite a bit really, then there is throttle response.

Wish they had meth at the pump and I was as rich as Dr dre....

I digress but this topic seems fairly pointless.

Edited by barnz
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  • Member For: 10y 3m 13d
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Topic is for real.. yeah laugh all you want. I knew Id get a lot of slack for this topic along with a lot emotional comments Kleenex tissues are sold at most petrol stations and supermarket outlets. For starters I would of built a methanol engine but its not as available to me as what it used to be so yeah an IC is a must. I could of got some tough engine components for the price of this. My point by comparing the 2 and guys remember this is ONLY comparing the TTG set up. The drama Im seeing with the plazmaman ic is the end tanks are very narrow towards the bottom. About 3". Add that to protruding narrow fins and im guessing at this point that there is going to be little to no difference to a Chinese ic. By the way its a DriftBitz ic. And yes they are both heavy! I own both any1 is welcome to pm me and come view. $2450 (not that I paid anywhere near that much but that's the going price) Compared to $350 including a pick it yourself universal plum kit and air filter it would wanna perform a dam lot better. You guys seem to have been there and done that and Im sure some of you own/work at performance shops and are more than likely on good business terms with plazmaman.

This shopping trolley will get dyno'd with both unless I see a big difference in psi drop and intake air temps than I wont bother and Ill still post results.

This test is for guys chasing 4 to 650 RWBHP and dont have the $$$. Yeah I still go by HP I still measure my engine clearances by 1000s of an inch I still torque by foot pounds :)

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  • in the mid....not the bum like some
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The apple cart gets upset quite easily here mate...any thinking outside the box is normally shunned upon and you will be swooped upon by the worker bees.

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^^^ lol I like that analogy.

Mate, was really just mumbling sh*t about methanol its not a practical solution for any of us, albeit better.

Also the reason the topic is pointless is that we already know the score. The cheap eBay coolers are sweet up to around the 300rwkw mark and are fine for a few passes or the occasional squirt on the street before heat soak is an issue. If that's all you ever want it for then fine. It is an upgrade over stock.

I think its great you are going to give us some quantifiable data as I don't think anybody has really done cheapies vs big brands yet. We are open minded and happy to be proved wrong, however I cant help but think you are just going to confirm what we already know. Their are probably alot of cars running around that don't need a 1000hp cooler but if you have the coin to future proof then why not?

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"Ebay cooler" and "chinese cooler" covers a wide variety of products (eg plazmaman coolers are also sold on ebay).

One "ebay"/"chinese" cooler could work very differently to another.

If comparisons are being made, then actual brand and models matter, otherwise no one else can make use of the comparison.

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They may look similar but I'd like to see testing between both at different power levels and repeated dyno runs to give an idea how it would perform in real world

A lot of people upgrade intercoolers when they really don't need to for big dollars.

Edited by Z2TT
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  • Member For: 10y 3m 13d
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A Plazmaman is a Plazmaman no matter where your buying from. More than 99% of car enthusiasts are more than happy with 500HP at the wheels and if your not your 1 of a very small % of ppl who either 1 doesn't care for reliability or economy or 2 have 10s of thousands of $$$ to spend on your drive train to keep it together or keep it to the ground. We're not all lucky in life and have 10s of thousands of dollars to spend on our cars and if we do I personally and Im sure many others keep cost to a minimum while attaining stability and reliability. Any 1 who has $$$ can throw $$$ at a car and make it go. This is a test showing the most expensive IC kit which also happens to be the only IC kit for a ttg which is rated at 1000HP Vs the extreme cheapest IC Rated at 600HP. I dont own a performance or mechanic shop of any type I will not profit financially in any way what so ever from this test. Im doing this test out of my own pocket for those who are on a budget and getting turned off building their car due to "thinking" they need to spend over $2k just on a FMIC. Search all the forums/threads there are many Aussies asking the same question and there really is no clear answer or real time or dyno figures. There is on expensive Vs expensive and there isn't all that much between them not even 50hp and I believe that was on engines producing over a 1000HP Results should be in early next yr.

Anyways Merry Christmas ppls may Santa fill your stockings with Carrilo Rods ARP Bolts and Forged Pistons. And for the A%$ Holes low octane contaminated fuel loss of demerit points and defects.

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I am all for "best bang for buck" and "basing decisions on solid data".

I am very interested to see how this goes.

Thanks for doing it and offering to share the results.

I think the following data would be relevant for testing.

Ambient temperature

Pressure before cooler

Pressure after cooler

Temperature before cooler

Temperature after cooler

Maybe something to cover "heat soak", so the above numbers over several runs?

Just some ideas.

I hope it all goes smoothly for you.

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