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Fg Xr6T Aircon Is Rubbish

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Yes it runs every time I drive it including very short trips. Is there anyway I can set it to turn off when the car is off. Or maybe I could install a turbo timer, though they are wanky and someone might try to steal my car

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Im sure the fans running after the engines hot cant be a bad thing?

If you dont want the fan on after cars off...then why the f*ck would you want a turbo timer for? Lol pretty sure I read these cars cant be locked until the timer stops...so you'll look like a spaz waiting in your car :P

Would your lower thermostat cause the fans to come on earlier I.e. 81c vs 92c or whatever the temps are.

But maybe someone else has more info I.e. if its bad that your fans are on after every trip

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Mine's a 2008 FG Mk1. The sensor under the LHS wing mirror reads low. The air cond does a good job of cooling the cabin, even though the car is now 6 years old. I use the air in semi auto mode and adjust the fan manually. Auto mode invariably has the fan blowing full blast.

So there's a filter that needs cleaning? I will have to find that and check it.


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I was thinking its would keep the car running while the fans do their thing and not drain my battery. Re issue outlined above.

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I THINK you can make it so the fans go off when car goes off - mine was tuned last month and the fans which used to stay on for a minute after car going off now go off straight away when I turn the car off.

Ask a tuner.

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  • To Loud
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I think the thermostat was changed on your car, just like my car Tim which means the engine runs cooler than it normally does.

this means the fans do not need to stay on when you turn the engine off.

I am not saying that there is or isn't a setting for the fans, but I would rather have the fans on to cool the radiator and the coolant as that what helps with the syphoning process to cool the turbo bearings down.

I know that it was mentioned that this is possibly draining the battery, but I get a feeling that there is more to it than the fans.

I have a FG XR6T 2011 model and I have the century battery in it without issues. The fans do stay on every so often when it is hot, but I don't have issues with the battery.

My air con is working well, knock on wood. If the battery is draining, is it possible that something else is draining it like a dashcam or even an obd Bluetooth device?

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Do you guys that are complaining drive autos?

I found they rev that bloody low for the sake of economy the a/c is a bit ordinary when it's really hot. Used to drive in perf or manual mode to keep the revs up until the cabin cooled down then it was sweet.

Must be why mine is so cold even though I'm driving a ZF equipped car.

Manual Mode

All Day


And plenty of revs :3gears:

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Yes it runs every time I drive it including very short trips. Is there anyway I can set it to turn off when the car is off. Or maybe I could install a turbo timer, though they are wanky and someone might try to steal my car

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Mine used to do this to recently, I flushed and changed the radiator coolant and it fixed the fan issue. If it's not something you've done recently you might have a slight blockage in there that's causing the water temps to be higher than normal so the fans are kicking in to help. Just a thought.

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I found this on Australian Car reviews:

  • The FG Falcon had a different air conditioning than its BA/BF predecessors and poor performance could be due to a defective HIM module (most common for late 2009 to early 2010 models). For models with climate control, a faulty ambient temperature sensor - positioned on the left wing mirror - could also be the cause. A software upgrade was subsequently introduced which kept the compressor engaged for longer.
  • In March 2011, the conditioning system was revised with a new HIM module, evaporator, condensor, compressor and pipework, though it cannot be retrofitted to earlier models.
  • When the battery is replaced, the air conditioning must be reset by letting the motor idle with the air conditioning on for at least one minute.
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