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Bad Ecu Firmware


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Tunehouse is very thorough with what they do and could give a good second opinion but some people in this trade love to put down what others have done before them so you need to be careful who you listen to, I do not think Jim is like this, but they do have a hub dyno so numbers are normally a little higher

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Can confirm that Tunehouse are very thorough and professional and Jim isn't the sort of guy to knock others work

But the hub dyno in their enclosed (cold) cell will give you crazy numbers

My FG when it still had std turbo & stock cooler pulled 375rwkw on 98...!!

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just having a read through this & I find it very intresting, I know the x4's should be check as there's firmware updates that tuners should check before tuning but in this case if the x4 was the cause of the problem Herrod should have been notified & he would work with the tuner to find a resolution for this.. the last thing Herrod wants is this to happen.

As long as you get the resault that your looking for that's all it matters.

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HP/VCM is not as complete as SCT with the parameters it covers on Ford but is better than SCT on GM.

We ended up repairing a FG that was killing ECU's about half hour after being flashed by another shop using HP, they went through about 3 or 4 ecu's before the owner gave up on them.

This was my car

No idea why it happened, they were never going to figure it out, just pack your sh*t, ignore the losses and go elsewhere. Mine was fixed first attempt by someone else. Im still out of pocket 2k plus whatever it cost to fix but that's life.

Im happier now that I have my car regardless of the cost.

*not the same tuner tuner as you but strangely similar situation although not sct tuning

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