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No Head Gasket?


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  • nutter
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  • Member For: 21y 1m 16d
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heh, well, wouldnt believe it, but had a BA Futura go out to the local shire council, (straight from factory) and only 27km later, it was back into the workshop... its runnin hot, ok, new thermostat... no good still... new patotimeter (cant spell), no good still, flush the cooling system... no good still!

head mechanic rings up Ford Motor Company and talks to the help desk or whatever it was... they say "does it has gaskets in the head?" hang up the phone and pull the head apart, and there ya go, no head gasket.... some idiot has left it off down in the factory and just thrown the head straight on.

I believe that there was a few that this happened to also, so be careful if you getting your car soon, and if it runs hot, dont ignore it, take it back and ask about the head gasket, cause risks are, it coulda happened to you...

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Guest Scootre
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The b&^%ds would be building me a new car if that happened here.

What build date is yours?

Edited by DallasQLD
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There were only 12 that left the factory without the head gasket.Only unlucky if you own one of them.

They know there's 12........

Sound's like this is being swept under the carpet and there just waiting for the car's to be returned to dealer's, I'd be mighty p!ssed off if I picked one up only to have it brake down 15mtrs up the road.

If this kind of thing doesnt warrant a recall what does?

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There were only 12 that left the factory without the head gasket.Only unlucky if you own one of them.

One would think that if ford knows that there are 12 cars without a head gasket then they would also know which 12 cars they were, or at least what batch or day the cars were built from there I can't imagine it would to to hard to track these cars down.

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  • Member For: 21y 11m 3d
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This is unbelievable, no head gasket, I must need my eyes checked was that NO HEAD GASKET!! Was the head gasket guy on a sicky, how can this happen, dosn't the guy bolting on the head notice theres no gasket? what next, forgot a piston, a lot of us take a swipe at GM quality, but this is crap GEOFF POLITIES

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