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Bfii Zf Auto Slipping(On Change)Whining And Not Changing


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Hey guys,
Started today, first I thought I heard it slip, then after that a weird whine could be heard, parked up and left for 4 hours.

Came back seemed OK for the first 5 minutes but then it slipped between gears and then a huge slip, after that it was stuck in 2nd with D flashing.

Stopped on side of road and turned car off, started back up and D is no longer flashing and it changes gears but the slip is still there so I have to baby it.

Any ideas what I'm in for? OBDII says...

PO741 - Powertrain (Yellow)
Torque convertor clutch circuit performance or stuck off.

PO782 - Powertrain (Yellow)
2-3 Shift

PO701 - Powertrain (Grey)
Transmission control system range/performance

Only slips between gears, I havn't pushed it so it hasn't done the flashing D no changing thing again. Car is tuned to around 312rwkw, trans has been out to tighten flexi bolts but has been down quarter since then.

Any ideas? Is it torque converter? Need a rebuild? electronic?

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You could double check fluid level, doesn't have to be down much to play up. But the whining and slipping sounds like clutches.

Probably time for a freshen up. How many k's and is the box tuned?

Edited by barnz
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Its weird does not slip in gear, I can push it to full boost easily with no slip. It's only on the gear change up or down it slips and if revs are too high *during* that change it goes into a limp mode stuck in whatever gear it happens in.

Edited by gbp
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I'm following as it will be interesting what you find out about the whine (wharr, whoop) that has allot of names world wide. My F6X was doing this when I bought it second hand with 80k km's on the car. The car was tuned but not the 6sp auto back in 2010. I had a full flush done last year with Transmax Z this time but made zero difference and the mechanic even said that the oil that was drained (stock from the factory) at 85k was still good looking!

I don't here my gearbox slipping whether driving soft of raping it but between 2-3-4 the wharr is heard in between the gear changes...

I did find a youtube video with the sound in a bmw or something so will see if I saved it and link it here for everyone that doesn't know what I've yabbered on here a 100 times over!

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Here we go. mine sounds similar-ish to this but it's quieter and last longer on part throttle and only while going up the gears! Doesn't happen all the time though so that's whats got me fcked...


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I'll have to try and record mine from inside and outside the car as I believe most people would have never heard the noise and the fact mine is still going with no drivable side effects it must either be something small or I am just lucky! (touching wood atm)

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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(touching wood atm)


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