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Alright guys, before you get straight to judging I have done this kinda of thing before but never on an XR6.

So the plan is:

Start with a stock XR6, get straight in with an engine rebuilt (forged everything, the works). Chuck the turbos on (obviously with slightly more care than "chuck"). With the extra power it would be making brake, clutch, intercooler, suspension and transmission (maybe?) upgrades are a must.

What I want to get from you guys is both you're opinion on this plan (plus anything I've left out [minor things are just expected]) and opinions/advice on components within this plan (parts, any extra work needed).

Plus anything from anyone who has twin turbo'd an XR6 before would be much appreciated.

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Opinion: do it

Then post pics and a 1/4 mile run with slip

Also depending on power goals look at entire driveline (tailshaft, half shafts/CVs at rear)

Manual hey...that'll be a tyre smoker!

Edited by -Stever-
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Years ago zoom magazine did a twin turbo install onto a Ford ute.

I thought it was a great idea, and sounded like it worked very well.

Good luck with your project.

I hope it goes well.

Please keep us all posted.

Edited by xr6tForMe
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Love the idea, will look good but will be expensive, but never let dollars get in the way of your aspirations.

I have only ever built a twin turbo cressida or rather done an engine swap then done skids, but I have crewed for a race team and built and rebuilt motors between events and done engine swaps on cars.

How much of the work will you be doing yourself?

My Thoughts (Feel free to ignore them)

What I guess needs to be considered is what you are wanting to do to give the outcome you want. If you purely just want the motor to be twin turbo'd then it can be done easily enough with custom manifolds and plumbing, but you will be forking out for 2x everything and have two heat sources under the bonet and space will always be a premium. In saying that anything can be done with enough time money and expertise.

If you have a specific outcome, there may be a different approach to achieve it. 4+3=7 and so does 5+2=7 just different ways to get there, all I am saying is there might be a more effective way of achieving your outcome.

How will you be using the car?

Do you have a tuner in mind? Have you discussed this idea with a tuner to get their professional input ?

Do you have a budget and if so can you afford to double it?

Do you have a time scale when you would like it driving?

Have you spoken to an engineer to make sure there will be zero issues with the Fuzz of Insurance? (A small side swipe from someone can add up to an expensive exercise)

Just some things to think about before you get too deep into it.

Good luck with the project, look forward to seeing progress.

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  • Member For: 10y 10m 7d
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If I were to do a twin turbo (and I can assure you that I wouldn't), but if I were too, then I would look at a little and big setup, I think it's called sequential?

I have no idea how to set them up (and it sounds complex) but the idea of having a little turbo to get things going and then a big'n for top end sounds appealing.

Good luck with it!

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