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Bwawe #2

Krazy Kyle

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That reaction to the squatter was about the same as in my car.

Funniest thing I've seen in ages.

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The oddly creepy Gnomeville




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  • Get It To Wheelspin Uncontrolably Then Give It Another 5 Pounds
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look at dem brakes


Thanks to be given to Melanie, did a great job with the camera.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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What a difference a proper camera makes. This will make my job of choosing stills much easier, even the best I have are shamed by that clarity. Say thanks so much to your off sider for taking the happy snaps :D

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Meet point 10:45am and the cleanest the cars will be for the next 2 days at least


About an hour and a half South at a pit stop at a Shell to get lunch and fill back up from 3/4 tank in my case


Phil's wife pointed out he needs to clean his car more, it's got cobwebs :)


This is shortly after the cows, reaching Gnomesville at 1:42pm for a pit stop after some excellent winding roads.


Blood...? Must have been a hell of a mozzie. Maybe a horse fly come to think of it. Man I hate those, but at least you can hear em coming.






3:43pm we stopped off at this river (no idea which town...I just followed Phil hahaha)

Copped a mouth full of those pretty leaves that blow up after a car drives over them :)


Disadvantage of black cars :P

Mine actually appeared to get cleaner once we started driving again


Pretty cool spot for photos I gotta say.


At 2 seconds past 5pm another stop after the hard driving. Kyle and Phil discuss who's car is blacker and utier.


This is more or less what the in between driving parts were like, blurs of trees.

This is 5:12pm


5:29pm we're finally at the hotel. Got myself a stick along the way somehow, possibly when Kyle kicked up a spot of dust and did in my old fog light. Need a new pair anyway...and I was too close really anyway.

So many bugs they wore off my licence plate?


Put them to sleep for the night.


We grabbed a shower and got stuck in to a couple pints/wines courtesy of some Krazy guy with a bar card (thanks!). Dinner time. I ordered a simple meal, battered fish and chips, and it was sublime. Possibly had it last trip too? Fish was perfect. I hate it too fishy, but this was just succulent and sweet, chips golden but not too crispy...now I'm hungry again.

Sleep it off and grab a great big breakfast, then off we head again to do it in reverse (more or less...Phil presented a few options for the return).

9:50am, they have 98 here and I was on about a 1/4 tank after the previous day (and that's from the Shell an hour South).


Aaaaaaaaaand this is what a gopro looks like after falling off a car at 90 odd clicks. I was behind Kyle (dashcam was off though) when I saw it fly apart. We'd just passed two massive slow trucks a minute beforehand so ripped a u-ie and Kyle managed to grab it off the road with about 30 seconds to spare, luckily it was on an uphill section!

PS Lovely nails Kyle, they match your rims too, nice accessorising


Mel got some awesome rolling shots as we've seen on the way back.

I finally got home at about 4:15pm after a brief stop at some shops.

Yet another stone chip to attack with the touch up paint. Probably from the fog light and stick incident. The front edge of my bonnet is like the surface of the moon already so I couldn't care less, it was well worth it!


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Every now and then a little bit of patience is required on these drives. Overtaking opportunities tend to come within a few minutes at most and traffic is low anyway.

If you do need to overtake though, get on it!

Needless to say these are best viewed in full screen

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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I won't lie, you need the pit stops along the way, but it's hard to match as a driving experience without being on a track. Even then a track is just one big circle, this has awesome views all over the place, and you get to talk sh!t with the other guys and girls all day.

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