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Surge Tank + Fuel Pump, When Do You Need Them And Why?


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People don't make parts because for a warm fuzzy feeling, they make them to fill a niche market and make money, same with every industry. It is good to be critical, if people take it personally they are missing the point.

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I honestly see more postiivity in this discussion than negativity - maybe I'm an optimist, though...

EDIT: The more people that get into the discussion, the more the product get's a "platform", so to speak.

Edited by k31th
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I agree with rollex. I mean it's already been stated that the pumps alone are less than 200 each, reg would be a hundred or so, then its just wiring and the the swirlpot itself. Couldn't be more than 500-600 in parts. Seems like a pretty decent markup to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to pay for good gear and I realise that every iteration in testing would have cost some money, but don't you see its cost as being inhibitive of the product?

Surely the market would open right up if it was around the same price as other comparable systems. l'd think that 1000-1200 would be a fair price for this kit. Considering the tops look cast plastic or spun delrin and the pot us just a stainless tube...

Edited by demon1300
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it just seems like every year more newbies come along and try to reinvent the wheel, same stuff over and over.

I think Metricon ripped me off when they built my house, how hard is it to nail some bits of wood together and stick some bricks on top of each other

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Well as far as KPM is concerned there is no competition and people are buying the product. I'll see how I go with a pump and the stock swirl pot anyway.

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If KPM's product proves itself to KPM's claims, it'll fly off the shelves at whatever price they set - Nizpro products are a great example of this happening. No doubt they are expensive; there's also no doubt in their effectiveness.

If it's one thing people modifying Falcon's have... it's a willingness to spend a big set of $$ on a small number of parts (in comparison to world-marketed cars where the performance parts are made in mass production and much cheaper for that reason).

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it just seems like every year more newbies come along and try to reinvent the wheel, same stuff over and over.

I think Metricon ripped me off when they built my house, how hard is it to nail some bits of wood together and stick some bricks on top of each other

Mick, I'm not stating at all that I could design or reproduce this product by myself. I greatly appreciate KPM's effort in designing what appears to be a kick ass product that we could all benefit from.

The business side of my brain just thinks that its a touch too pricey and therefore will result in much less uptake. I mean I don't know their sales figures, and hell they may be bloddy fantastic, it just sux that the every-day modder which is prob like 75% of this forum, can't own one or will go with something else because it's cheaper. Note I said "cheaper" not "better".

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I see your point, but fact is we all look at a product/service and think I could do that cheaper, if that's the case why don't people do it?

Air boxes are a classic example, everybody says they can do them cheaper some start to do them and then see all the small bits that are required that start to add up and give it a miss

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Seems somewhat emotionally charged / judgemental to put people who question the price of things into a newbie box - if anything my experience has been its the other way around. People do make cheaper tanks, and they work fine... its just there arent off the shelf units for falcons. Years ago I had a custom made 4l tank with fittings made for my 180 for under $300. It caused no issues, didnt leak, didnt smell, didnt explode, I just had to provide my own pumps. Im not by any way saying that the $1200 billet tanks dont cost a lot to make, or am I asking for chartiy donations from businesses trying to do what they do, what im saying is it necessary to have a billet aluminium tank which holds under 2l of fuel and it alone costs over $800? Can a tank made that doesnt look as leet work just as well FROM A FUNCTIONALITY point of view? Of course it can.

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