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Huge Project! Im Swapping Over Everything From An Xr6T Into A Ba M


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You can just swap the facia or screen if they're cracked. If not you can fire up the car using the ICC from the xt so long as you swap the BCM and stereo from the donor car. If you look under the ICC the BCM is the blue thing, just make sure you mark them before you pull them off so you dont mix them up lol as they are indistinguishable from each other. That needs to stay with the donor ecu or it will have to be flashed to fire up the car. If you cant swap the stereo you can sort of use the XT one but you have to hold AM and MENU every 5 mins to put the stereo into test mode as you get a "code error" - again fixable by flashing at ford (not you flashing ford btw, could get awkward/arrested).

FWIW the thing on top of the ICC with the warning is actually the receiver for the key fob, the warning about dropping or turning upside down is there because you'll loose the guys of the cd player. The ICC itself wont get trashed though - who uses CD's anyway??

Edited by luke187
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Hey dudes, so heres where im up to. Ive swapped over the whole wiring harness and put all the interior in with the new dash and the bedal box and brake booster. Ive put in the turbo irs with new inner bushes, swapped over the front springs and brakes and got some new wheels. Gonna do the front bushes once the car is drivable. looks a bit like this




I also soundproofed the boot and put in all the sound gear from my old car, which is all alpine type r stuff (which sounded f*cking fantastic in the lancer). so the only major job to do now is to put the motor in, but Ive got a couple issues before I can do that. The standard power steering cooler from the xt doesnt give enough clearance from the intercooler to sit nicely, it contacts right where the hose goes on which makes it impossible to put on. Ive tried to look for pics of ba turbo PS coolers but with no luck, im not sure how theyre different, here what mine looks like




Another issue ive got is how to mount the intercooler. The bracket on the drivers side fits ok once I drill 2 holes to mount it, but the passenger side was welded on to the body in the xr6t. Ive grinded it out and can weld it onto the chassis of the other car, but ive seen pics of different mounts that just bolt on, just cant find where to buy one, id rather bold on than weld.


Im also a tad confused as to where this pipe goes


but yeah once all that is sorted I should have it on the road within a few weeks, assuming I can get it licenced without too much hassle. And fix the clutch, whatevers wrong with it cos it felt super heavy when I drove the car last. And this centre bearing on the tail shaft (I think ts called that?)


And touch up the paint in the engine bay. And get a new windscreen, and fix the roof lining and get some new tyres and a front end bush kit (luckily I can get them installed for free), and all the new fluids and filters. ok maybe a bit more than a few weeks lol but its getting there

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  • Member For: 11y 1m 10d
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looks like the power steer cooler is wrong ,I had to change mine to be on the top not the bottom .the v8 one was at the bottom and I just changed over the one out of the wreck . and yes that is the battery air vent in that picture .

all you need is a compliance plat ,very easy mate $350

Edited by gunna
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looks like the power steer cooler is wrong ,I had to change mine to be on the top not the bottom .the v8 one was at the bottom and I just changed over the one out of the wreck . and yes that is the battery air vent in that picture .

all you need is a compliance plat ,very easy mate $350

Ah! I do have the right cooler then I think, its in the shed somewhere. Could you possibly send me a pic of where it mounts if its not too much trouble?

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  • Member For: 11y 1m 10d
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just looked at all my photos and can not find one , but if you look at the second picture .take a look at the intercooler outlet on the right side you can see a curved pipe behind the inter cooler that is the power steer cooler . ps my cooler has fins on it where yours is just a hollow pipe of aluminium ?

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  • Member For: 10y 6m 6d
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Yeah turns out I had one from the other car luckily, so that's all sorted now


Just a couple other things, not really sure what this tank is, or what it connects to..


I think I have a some tubing that fits on there, but not sure where it runs to. And airbag sensors. Is there just the one under the bonnet latch or is there some elsewhere? cheers for the help

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