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Zf Whine In Between Gear Changes After Service.


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Hi guys,

Hopefully someone can give some advice here.

My 2010 Xr6T recently reached 120,000k's so I wanted to get the ZF flushed as a few mates recommended it, saying that even though it was sealed it was a good idea to prolong the life of the tranny, which seemed to make sense.

So I phoned the local Ford dealer and they wanted $1800 for this, so I rang around a couple of the local XR6 tuning specalists in Sydney and got prices off them (ZF flush, filter change and fill with genuine ZF oil). I eneded up getting it done with one of them for around $700.

Anyway as soon as it was done I noticed a whine in between gear changes, especially from 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd. The noise is a whine/whirl, like something spools up before the gear change and spools down for a few seconds after the gear changes. It's definitely coming from the transmission area (mid car) not the front of the car at the engine bay.

It only happens when the transmission is cold, after about 10 mins of driving the noise is gone completely, there is no noise in park or neutral.

I called up the tuning house that did the job and they said they did the job properly and it must be something else. But I just wanted to check here and see if anyone knew what the problem might be as I'm worried it might be damaging something driving it like this and that I got ripped off and they didn't use genuine ZF oil or didn't fill it properly etc, Which makes me reluctant to go back there to be honest.

It's probably my fault for not going to Ford and getting it done, but $1800 for an oil change seemed rediculous.

Thanks :)

Edited by Arkan
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I'd imagine non genuine fluid? But just a stab in the dark.

Has to be that or the fluid level, surely.

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Viscosity of the oil could be why its there when cold then gone when its warmed up. Transmissions can be funny things when serviced. doesnt sound right thou.

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Check oil level. Mine did this on initial acceleration from a stop when cold. Took it to a transmission specialist and it was 200ml low on oil, they topped it up and all quiet. Bit of advise stick to transmission specialists.

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Hmmm... In Sydney, called it a 'tuning house' I could be wrong but if It was who I'm thinking I would say it was done correctly.

Any of Sydney's top tuners that do these cars would have done it right.

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Mine was done by a tuner and it was fine just 200ml low which is nothing but makes a difference in the ZF. They offered to look at it but it was easier for me to take it to a local trans specialist.

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It's amazing how 200ML can make a difference, surely it can't bring the overall level of the fluid in pan down enough to cause any issues?

I think it's quite important to be using genuine ZF Fluid, some transmissions can have weird operational issues with non genuine fluids.

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My F6X (Territory Turbo) has done this since I have owned it second hand with 80k km's on it but made the noise whenever cold or warm. I had it flushed and serviced this time with Transmax Z but after the first day it still did and both either cold or hot.

I can't find virtually any information on the internet about this whar/whine preoblem only that I think someone mentioned once it was "the pump" in the gearbox which meant jack sh!t to me!

I do have friction modifiers downstairs that BMW and other companies use from the factory with the lifeguard oil but can't remember the name of it...

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