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Tune Electronic Throttle To Make It More Responsive?


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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 7m 12d

That's it. I assume it's done to smoothen out the acceleration as people can't control there foot perfectly and this gives them a bit more room to play with. Wonder if BMW and other high end cars change this setting when going from comfort setting to race setting .

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He was talking about the car being sluggish, if cam timing is adjusted there can be more power for the same amount of throttle opening so the car can feel more responsive

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  • I <3 Floods
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Didn't you say it felt doughy in your first post?

I understand the need for linear.. But the road safety part of my brain understands completely why Ford released the map exactly how they have..

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And it beautifully enhances the turbo rush feel

Ford have it right imho....... And yeh ive played with the settings also

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  • WOT?
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I think I know where the OP is coming from.

Taking off from the lights with what should be normal pedal travel and the car is quite slow - it takes off about the same acceleration as a Camry driven by grandma. You need to actually use a fair bit more throttle than you'd expect to get off the line at a rate you'd be wanting to - still talking road/cruising/commuting driving style, not boy racer.

Being able to ramp up the %'s a tad in the lower levels would get around that issue - fine tuning it so the amount you have the pedal depressed actually corresponds to the amount you feel it should be.

Casual driving - my Pajero used to get off the lights a lot quicker with the little amount of right foot that feels natural for daily driving.

I guess I'm in the same boat as the rollex - the amount of throttle that's given at the lower levels doesn't match what we're used to and expect.

eg - to me a couple of cm's pedal travel (no idea how far, just using that as an example) feels natural for me to take off with. To get the power that feels natural to take off with I need to use a noticeable amount more pedal. It would indeed be nice to have the thing calibrated to the point that you get the power you expect at the position you expect.

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  • Member For: 10y 10m 2d
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I like the initial slow ramp rate of the throttle, seriously.

I find these cars quiet good to drive conservatively.

They don't tend to speed creep as much as other cars I've owned. This is a good thing when your trying to hang onto your license.

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