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Time To Be Diff(Erent)


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Basically stronger, lifetime warranty and doesn't act like a torque biasing diff like the Truetrac does.

My mate has one in his Monaro and it's awesome! They cost a little more than the Truetrac but apparently worth it. The M86 ones are due to land in Aus very soon I believe.

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y
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  • Location: Perth

From the website:

During the transition from accel to decel, where you have near zero torque on the axle, even if the wheels are on the ground, the typical diff is unable to begin applying drive torque until AFTER the zero torque condition is over. While this condition is generally short-lived, the fact that most diffs can do nothing during that time means that there will be a delay once the zero torque condition stops - creating a reaction time in the driveline.

The Wavetrac®, however, is different:

The innovative, patented, Wavetrac® device in the center of the diff responds during these exact conditions when zero or near-zero axle-load occurs. At or near zero axle-load, the axles (and therefore each side gear in the diff) start to turn at different speeds.

This speed differential causes the Wavetrac® device to step into action:

Precisely engineered wave profiles are placed on one side gear and its mating preload hub. As the two side gears rotate relative to each other, each wave surface climbs the other, causing them to move apart.

Very quickly, this creates enough internal load within the Wavetrac® to STOP the zero axle-load condition.

The zero axle-load condition is halted, and the drive torque is applied to the wheel on the ground (the gripping wheel)… keeping the power down.

Some gear differentials rely solely on preload springs to combat loss of drive. The drawback is that you can’t add enough preload to prevent loss of drive without creating tremendous handling and wear problems at the same time. So, to avoid these problems, the preload from ordinary spring packs must be reduced to a level that renders them ineffective at preventing loss of drive. The Wavetrac® is the only differential that can automatically add more load internally when it’s required.

In the case where both wheels are on the ground during zero axle load, such as during a transition to deceleration, the Wavetrac® device is able to prepare the drivetrain for when the zero torque condition stops, eliminating the delay seen with ordinary gear diffs.

What this means for you as a driver is that power is delivered to the gripping wheels for more time and in a more constant manner – making you faster and improving stability.

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