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What's Your Car Worth?


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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
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I think progressive power is best

I went from a 1uz soarer

To a ba xr8

To a stock g6

To 350rwkw g6

To 440rwkw g6

If I had gone straight to 440rwkw no doubt I wouldn't be here right now

You need to learn and appreciate the power

Anyone can step in and hit the loud pedal. You need to respect it and understand it. The misses sister almost came unstuck driving my car for that very reason

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  • loitering with intent
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Matty P is right. to a point. Increasing power is one thing. Other elements like handling, stopping need to be in lock step

with power increments.

additionally a P plater with sh*t brakes, shot suspension, and all the dramas associated with a 200+k or 10 year old car

on a budget with poor maintenance and all the power mods. How does that end ? not well

Rust buckets in the sky

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I don't believe (comparatively ) speaking it's any worse today than it's ever been.

Think back to the average 70's 80's 90's P Plater mobiles. They likely had less power yes, but they also had suspension that at it's best was worse that a clagged out BA. They had inferior tires(from a construction point of view) and won't mention how poor the brakes are,Crumple zone?(Oh you mean the drivers head? etc etc)

So whilst 300rwkw will get them into the tree much faster the safety built into these cars (abs,srs,crumple zone,energy absorbing cabin materials etc etc) mean at their unsafest they are still a safer option.

You only need to look at any crash involving a car to car impact between any 2000's era car and something from the 80's/early 90's.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Car V Tree @ 100kph is Car V Tree @ 100kph doesn't really matter how quickly the car got to 100kph.

Agree with your post as well tho Buffalicious. Just using tree as a broad example.

LOL "Broad"

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  • I <3 Floods
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Fark ups also hit cafes, pedestrians, cyclists and that's just naming the ones I've seen..

Frankly the power of the car doesn't matter when it hits something.. It's the momentum of the car.. Any car can leave the road at 100km an hour and hit a tree and the power of the engine makes no difference to the outcome of the crash..

Higher power cars just allow us to get to stupid a lot quicker than most..

Randomly enough my professional opinion is that P Platers in high power cars aren't that dangerous (but I don't think burnouts are dangerous either - that's not saying that I think they should be done on public roads though).

Higher power or low power you're gonna get a Muppet who wants to see how fast he can go..

High power maybe more unstable with quick acceleration but if they lose it under 60 the severity of the accident will be a lot lower..

Biggest thing is about teaching them that if they want to be a knob, don't be a knob with people around or passengers in the car..

You'll never stop young people (and some old people) having testosterone moments.. But if you can educate them to minimise the collateral damage then you're making some headway..

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All of the above are my sentiments exactly, I've seen more than enough huge accidents involving low powered cars to know that driver ability and attitude are 99% the cause of fatal accidents.

A good friend of mine was killed in a car driven by another idiot "friend" when we were just about to finish high school. P plater travelling 120+ km/h on a 70 km/h rd that had a lot of rises and dips in an EH 6cyl. Short of it is the thing got a bit loose over a rise at high speed and a passenger was ejected and met with a tree. Low powered car, low driver ability, innocent people dead.

Ralph is right if anything the cars of today just save more idiots and thankfully the innocent. People are still retards, things like dsc ect make retards better drivers.

Much better driver training and mandatory defensive driving training would help more than anything.

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