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Who's Still Running The Original Heat Exchanger?

"Captain Retard"

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  • Member For: 10y 10m 15d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Melbourne

If it wasn't for cms I'd be going to Frankston from nsw lol

bluepower are just around the corner from where I work

I've heard good things about them and this is where I'll be going to get mine tuned

I was happy with the tranny service they did

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2003 BA XR6T Ute 189,000 km's I have owned the car since 2007 came with a very low 38,000 km, still run original radiator and trans cooler set up!

I don't have a tow bar, I just use the ute for mx bike only.

In the early days it was a 15min drive to work in none peak times in a regional town and the past 5 years was hwy country km's. I now have moved to the gold coast and the sleepless nights are more frequent for obvious reasons hot sticky traffic.

I had backyarders do my servicing for the first few years because basically I was slack and on good coin at the time. I believe on the larger part they did the right thing when working on my car but I started to have reservations. So when I heard one their customers got charged for new plugs only to find they were not replaced I became cautious...and who's to say what actually happened anyway....in any case that was enough for me to pull my finger out of my *#@$ and do my own servicing.

No mods everything is stock although now with the move to goldy I have spent many sleepless nights worrying about this and by gezz I hope this post doesn't mozz me...touch wood!

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