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Who's Still Running The Original Heat Exchanger?

"Captain Retard"

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Thought I'd start a new thread with a bit of positivity for the much maligned heat exchanger.

So if your still running the original tell us how many k's you've racked up or if it's been replaced with a standard one, how many k's since replacement.

My wife's FGT has 155,000kms on it with the last 110,000kms known history.

As far as I know it's the original but there is a chance it was changed in the first 45,000kms.

The reason for this thread is to maybe put a few minds at rest......or not!!!

And also see if there's some high mileage ones out there........or not!

There's been plenty of "bad" written about them, so let's see if there's anything good that we might learn.



I'm still scared!!!


Edited by "Captain Retard"
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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Lets just get one thing straight kiddies before this thread goes south fast.

Firstly, the vast majority of failures have nothing to do with maintenance intervals or klms. It's a manufacturing fault. What fault? The thing is sweated together (in sweat shops I presume). Because the Barra is known to have harmonics due to its 10 foot long crankshaft (give or take a foot or three) and long stroke, if the 'cells' are not sweated together perfectly the transmitted vibration from the engine causes an internal rupture and hey presto - strawberry milkshake. This is why some failures are seen in cars less than 12 months old. Yep, they're warranty jobs but it still sucks balls.

If you've had it on for years it might - stress might, be ok. But, car is out of warranty then so Russian Roulette.

Seriously guys, the PWR replacement was the best non hp mod I've done to my car. Having that hand grenade bolted to the side just did my head in. Get rid of it.

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#1; I'm not trying to start a sh!t fight.

#2; I've read a lot of the threads about its failings.....I get it.

#3; I realise it's not entirely about service intervals.

All I've read is bad stuff which is fair enough considering the amount of grief they've caused.

I understand why there's so much hysteria !

BUT there must be a lot of cars out there still running them with higher mileages than mine; taxis for example.

And after the above reactions it's little wonder guys will come out and admit their still running the original.

This thread wasn't supposed to be a debate (that's been done to death) ,it's just about finding originals and mileages on them.

It might actually be easier to come out and say your GHEY than admit you run the original exchanger.

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