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What Colour Calipers?


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Finished!!! :D sorry about the quality, sh*tty fone, spend too much on the car to afford a decent camera :huh: will get some decent pictures when possible! Happy with the result they feel awsome. Can't help but think there is something missing(besides the bright fuggin green, pirdy colours and all that):lol:




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Cheers! Been a huge project with the full conversion and all but these were the final piece of the puzzel, for a while I couldn't justify the brakes being worth more than the initial cost of the engine, don't think I would have been happy with anything else though!

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 23d
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Don't forget to have a chat with your insurance company to either get them included or excluded from your policy.

ie Car gets crashed and written off. You want something recorded now that determines whether you can remove the brakes from the wreck or not.

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That's actually good advice for me also, better get onto it. Cheers Phil.

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 23d
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  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

I had a close call a couple of years ago.

Put my taxi through annual inspection with 6/4 Brembos. Dept of Transport got all uppity and didn't like the brake lines (which were legit).

Go home, spend the night putting all the standard stuff back on and then put it through inspection the next day (Friday).

The car was in a crash and written off on Sunday, two days later.

A few months earlier, I had rung the insurance company and clarified that things like brakes, wheels and a few other bolt-on things would be excluded from the policy, and I could therefore retrieve these items from the wreck if the car was ever written off.

Yep, all good. The girl was going to make a note on the file.

When the insurance assessor offered me first chance to buy the wreck I clarified that the price would need to be calculated without the ROH wheels.

Nup, they're part of the wreck. Anything in or on the car is part of the wreck and not to be removed.

Huge argument.

Phone call to insurance company.

Turns out that the girl I had spoken to about this months earlier was a trainee and completely incorrect. And she hadn't made any note about the conversation. Bimbo.

Lots of nasty words from me, and an acceptable price was eventually agreed upon for the wreck.

However, if the Brembos had have been on the car that day then it would have gotten really messy.

I was cursing the Dept of Transport inspectors for being pricks about my Brembo brakes, but it turned out that they did me a favour in the end.


At an auction this week I bought an FPV Tornado. There was also a written-off near-new FG XR6 Turbo with an equally new looking 6/4 Brembo setup.

I was going to bid on it if it was cheap enough just to get the brakes, but I got there after it went through.

The car sold for $6,250. Heck, the wheels and brakes are worth that.

I wonder if the owner's insurance had covered the $7,000ish cost of the brakes and wheels...

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