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Pwr Stepped Intercooler Damage!


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Would a Stage 2 PW (420 x 460 x 90mm) be a decent improvement over the stepped PWR?

The PW Stage 2 is 80mm narrower and 15mm lower than PW Stage 3 (500 x 425 x 100mm), and would let more air to radiator which is a requirement for my car.

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  • MattyP
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I've got the stage 2 and highly rate it

I've done several literal back to back runs down the drags while idling the car with the ac on and on a 30+ degree arvo and didn't suffer any heat soak

So yeah I rate it

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  • Dropping a turd
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Its a vicious circle, if you increase the size of the cooler and decrease the intake temps you block the radiator. If you run a small intercooler, then the intake temps rise and the extra flow to the radiator is used up cooling a hot engine.

If it was me I would rearrange the front end to run both massive radiator and the largest cooler I could. That would involve cutting the whole front of the car up. Like 100mm radiator and 100 cooler.

But seeing as that is probably not an option it will always be a compromise. You will just have to live with the overheating or reduce boost.

Another option is run the largest intake and exhaust and a large turbo so you can run the lowest boost with the highest horsepower. I gather you already use E85

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 8m 8d
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  • Location: Sydney

I already use Ethanol based fuel at 70%. Eflex. Also have a thicker Fenix radiator which is shrouded with foam.

I've got temps under control for what I do.

I'll be going with either stage 1 or 2 PW.

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