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Bf Mk2 Xr6 Turbo Complete Electrical Shutdown


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Im chasing some help to try and diagnose a problem I had with my car completely shutting down whilst driving at 100km/hr.

It is a 2008 BF MkII XR6 Turbo Ute with approx 150,000 km on it. Gearbox is a manual.

What happened was:

- Driving at 100km/hr when the dash lights went off, and the engine shutdown.
- I turned the key to off, and back to on then tried to clutch start it to get the engine running again. It did not restart.
- I started to slow down to pull over, and the CD player spat out the CD in there (Standard CD player, not the premium system), then the screen flashed "Code" and shut off.
- I hit the hazard lights as I pulled up to stop, these flashed for a few seconds then the hazard lights and headlights both went out.

This all happened in the space of about 20-30 seconds. At this point there was absolutely nothing on the car that was working.

- I pulled the key out, put it back in and tried to start it. Nothing happened (no clicking from starter, nothing)

- I then popped the bonnet and to have a look (dont know what for...) the headlights came on, then went off again a few seconds later. They then came back on and stayed on.
- I went back, and tried to start the car again. As soon as I turned the key to the starter motor everything died again.

- I decided to disconnect the battery and see if I could reset the ECU and get the car going again.
- I disconnected the battery and let it sit for about 10 minutes.
- I then reconnected the battery and the car started up and I managed to drive it home.

I have driven it twice more since that happened and there hasn't been any more problems. But I live in regional QLD and the last thing I want is for it to happen again and get stuck a few hundred km from the nearest town.

I'm completely stuck on what may have caused it, and I couldn't find any info on anything similar happening to anyone else. So if any of the Ford Gurus out there that understand the electrical system have any ideas that would be a big help.

Thanks in advance


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My sons 2008 fg g6e did similar funkey things and it was not battery related either,been there done that. After many weird driving dilemas and no start issues at random times it endind up being a corroded wiring problem in the dash, ICC plug area I think and was fixed by a Ford dealer.

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