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Time To Update... Which Phone?


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  • Filthy weeb
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Probably going to get the same result here.

I'd suspect no, because purchased books are like purchased songs/apps, they're strictly assigned to that platform, unless it's available (app-wise) on both, and I doubt Apple'd let iBooks be on Android.

The day one (or all) of the big phone OS providers allows purchased apps/songs/books/whatever from one platform to be migrated to the next will be a riot, but I suspect such licensing needs to be approved from the other party/ies, so it'll never happen.

tl;dr: No.

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  • I <3 Floods
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So.. I've had the note edge for just under a week now..

Thoughts on it so far:

I've gotten used to the size.. that doesn't annoy me. Buy if I don't get a case on it soon it's going smash town in my pocket.

I phones operate so much smoother. This is far more clunky but I think you get used to it.

The edge screen is a bit gimmicky and lots of the apps made for it usually just have the app name show up on the edge the entire time you have it open.

I'm definitely not upset I made the switch at all as I truly am enjoying learning how a new phone works.

The battery is sh*t but I think I am using the phone a crapload!

Heart rate sensor etc are all gimmicks that only a few people will actually use.

All in all its a great device.. the multitasking, minimizing of apps etc is brilliant but it's not 100% necessary for how the average Joe will use their phone.

I'm no apple fan boy but I definitely see pros and cons to each device.

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  • Sucker
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The swap-over to my S5 was probably the most underwhelming of all new phone purchases. No real excitement, just whack the gmail account details in and all apps load from previous phone along with contacts, emails, pics and messages. Restore the settings on the profile scheduling app (that silences notifications after 10pm, car mode when connected to vehicle bluetooth, silent mode whenever I get out of the car unless connected to home wifi etc.)

The fact that there was no hours spent fiddling and setting everything up was just fckn brilliant. New bigger better faster phone that was practically just ready to continue using.

Contrast that to the dozen iphones at work that I have to try and look after - absolute bloody nightmare. Can't wait to get rid of those fckn things as soon as I can.

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  • I <3 Floods
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I kinda like the fiddling around with new phones though. But that being said it I stay with android I'll be happy if it basically autoloada to the next phone.

I'm paying relates extra so I can swap phones every 12 months

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Google nexus devices, although not the bargain they once were (specs are top shelf now days). No bullsh*t, pure AOSP or the option to easily unlock boot loader and flash one of the many community built roms. CM is my pick.

Oh and you always have the latest version of android. Lollipop is by far the best yet. Makes kitkat feel like windows xp.

Had all the nexus phones up to N4. This xperia Z1 is good but will be going back to nexus next phone. Every other manufacturer makes it to hard to run fully working custom roms as the source for their hardware is rarely avaliable.

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Got the galaxy s5 today. It's pretty cool. So different from an iPhone, I'm enjoying the change. things huge though I dunno how you guys hold the note phones!!

Edited by Lennox
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Is the Samsung S6 available in Aus yet?

Its released here in NZ in a couple of weeks time and im due for a upgrade. It seems to be a whole new phone over the S5, and id be keen to hear from anyone who has bought / used one.

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