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Time To Update... Which Phone?


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Like I said murphy's law.

They are a bunch of assholes over there. How can they force someone to buy thier product in a 24 hour turnaround time frame?

Can someone explain this invite thing to me?, cause I just don't get it! If your a company trying to make money why not sell as many of the damn things as you can? Seems a VERY strange business model.

Anyone got one? Looks like a sexy phone and I wouldn't mind one.

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Getting sick of random apps with adds using my location but also not wanting to turn it off as I want some apps to use it like GPS etc.

On Android is there a way to turn off location services just for particular apps? So some have access and some don't?

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  • I <3 Floods
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Note edge.. beats s5..

So to define. If you want a new phone feel and you currently have an iPhone get a Samsung cause an iPhone upgrade is the same sh*t different sizes phone.

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Soo Galaxy 5 or iphone 6? I am face with this choice on Tuesday

S5 for sure. I got mine back last well after a month or more without it and I've never been so happy to have a certain phone in my life. I tried different ROMs on it previously but since getting it back I've gone back to stock Samsung ROM from before the latest update and I'm stoked with it again.
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Panda the note is too big for me

I'm tradie and it'll break in my pocket for sure. Specs look good though. Just more of an office guy phone I reckon.

Currently have iphone 5 and I'm over iPhones.. iTunes is just the biggest turd of a program and I cbf with it anymore

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Had an SMS (Sun Moon Stars) hardwired car phone as my first car phone in the early 90's (bought it for the misses when Paul Denyer was on the loose round home)

Thought it was awesome

Got an NEC brick phone in the mid 90's as my first hand held battery lasted a week

Thought it was awesome

Got a fat Motorola flip phone in the late 90's

Thought it was awesome - had an LED "screen"

Got a thinner Motorola in the early 2k's

Thought it was awesome

Got a Nokia brick in the early 2k's - had an LCD screen

Thought it was awesome

Got a "something" tiny phone - fitted in the pocket - in the early 2k's

Thought it was awesome

Got a few more Nokia's through the early/mid 2k's

Thought they were awesome

Got a flip Motorola mid 2k's

It was the best thing ever

Got a Nokia mid 2k's

Wondered why I ever doubted Nokia

Got an N95

Pfft to those iPhone wannabe's

Got an iPhone

Screw the fanboys - I'm getting it because I can use it

Got the next iPhone

Not a fanboi - just like the ecosystem

Got the next iPhone on launch

I need it

Got a Windows Phone

Who would have ever thought that the windows phone would be the "not following the crowd" phone? - loved it

Got an Android phone now

Meh - I can make and take phone calls and get messages - GPS works - best thing ever, it holds a charge for a couple of days

Next phone I'll actually want will be one that can hold charge for a week and can make and take calls - should have stuck with the NEC I had in the 90's

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  • I <3 Floods
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  • Location: South West QLD

Panda the note is too big for me

I'm tradie and it'll break in my pocket for sure. Specs look good though. Just more of an office guy phone I reckon.

Currently have iphone 5 and I'm over iPhones.. iTunes is just the biggest turd of a program and I cbf with it anymore

Go the Samsung mate. It's such a different platform to the apple. Feels like you actually have a new phone. I went iPhone 4 to 5 to 5S and it wasn't anything exciting when you got a new phone.
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