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Time To Update... Which Phone?


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Dwi has them in stock if you check that out..

He also suggested that you should go for the Cynagen Mod Version over the Color OS.. And order your case at the same time as they don't have cases available in many places yet..

On that note anything cyn and Color I just mentioned makes zero sense to me..

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  • To Loud
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It makes perfect sense to me mate. Cyanogen mod is a custom rom. It allows you to replace the standard Android OS on the phone with the custom version, which removes any bloatware if it has any.

Also allows you to customise any software if you want.

Sort of like jail breaking the iPhone.


Once again thanks for the info, but the difference in price tag may be a deal breaker though.

The website for oneplus has $299(yes that could be American dollars) but it still is cheaper than the DWI site.

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Just pre-ordered the new Sony Xperia Z3 Compact (lol at compact - it's got the same size screen as my Lumia 920) for my son for his birthday.

Will be his first proper phone.

Waterproof (he had his new ipod in his pocket and went for a swim the day he got it 6 years ago - Apple were awesome and did a straight swap)

Long battery life (can sit in the bottom of his school bag until needed for a couple of days)

PS4 remote play (we all should have the ability to play proper games while on the crapper)

Was thinking about the Z3... But for the minimal updates it's getting over the Z2 I don't think it's worth the wait

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Deal extreme emailed me their spam with the OPO but $479...Rapists-


I always used CM10 on my Galaxy S1 and it was brilliant. Have the Note 2 rooted and will install CM11 on it to see if I like it. I did get rid of KNOX off the samsung which was a fcking pita with root access but as usual there is someone that makes a program for everything these days...Haha

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IOS 8 can EABOD!!

Alright I f*cking delete photos (after uploading certain ones to photobucket) so they get deleted!!!!!

Then I can pass my phone off to whoever im with to show them a photo..

Not so that it shows them what I recently deleted when they hit the back button!!!

Yeah, effectively the "Recently Deleted" is like the Recycle Bin in Windows. When you delete a file, it's sent to the Recycle Bin (or Recently Deleted in iOS) and from there you have to confirm you want to Delete it or leave it for 30 days and it assumes you don't want it back.

You're a good little disciple. Surprised you weren't camping out the front of the store.

There were idiots on Twitter who actually thought it was true. I saw several photos of fried iPhone 6 and 6 Plus devices.

I think there were less than a dozen phones that actually bent in the first 3 days. It takes 50+kgs to bend it so you have to apply some significant force to it. And just about every other phone on the market also bends, some requiring less force and others more.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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I'm now in this situation as I managed to crack the screen on my Galaxy S5 and when I was standing outside in the rain for 6hrs at The Amity Affliction gig a few weeks back I think water got in as the phone would reboot if I knocked the phone, even gently, all the time for the next few days. Then the battery started to deplete really quickly, like I had to charge it twice during the day if I wanted it to last until bed time...when I first got the phone the battery would last until bed and still have 30-40% battery...hmmm

So yeah, Samsung want nothing to do with it and apparently the screens are like $350 to replace, let alone what other damage has been done inside...so I figure I may as well just buy another one for not that much more. But trying to decide if I get another S5 or not...hmmm

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Yeah probably a bit big for my liking though. I have short stubby fingers, so even the S5 was awkward to use sometimes...Note 4 would be troublesome I'd imagine. I kinda liked the idea of the S5 being waterproof...until I cracked the screen...

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