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Time To Update... Which Phone?


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If you do buy one I'd be keen for the invite if you haven't got somebody else in mind

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Quick question - why do people rag on people purely because of their phone choice?

Phone choice is a very personal opinion, you spend a lot of time using your phone; either actually talking on it, accessing social media, SMS'ing, internet browsing etc so you need to be happy with your choice. Its not a choice made on the spot, everyone researches their next purchase thoroughly, much like their next vehicle purchase/lease

But this whole Samsung V's Apple V's Sony V whoever bagging kinda gives me the sh*ts. Its exactly the same as Ford V Expensive Daewoo v AMG V whoever, and those who own said cars think they are the best, and everyone else is a wanker.

If people are happy with their phone choice, why force your opinion on them? And bag them out because they aren't as cool as you, because they don't have the same phone as you?

If everyone had the same phone, it would be a very boring world. Much the same as cars.

I dont bag out Expensive Daewoo drivers, because I own a Ford. I enjoy all makes of cars, regardless of their badge. Ive always said that.

Im not one of these doodles who say ford are the best, and youre a dickhead if you own anything else. Because that would just make me look like a dickhead.......

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  • Sucker
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I only rag on people that are over the top and ram their opinions down my throat and try to convert or shape my values with their own blind fanciful hysteria.

Don't care if you're vegan, morman, crossfitter, root goats, skoda driver or even a greens voter...just don't feel the constant need to impart your wisdom and boast about it to me and all will be OK.


But if you're born in NSW/ACT...well you deserve everything you get. That sh*t is unforgivable.

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