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Time To Update... Which Phone?


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Haha someone may have lost iTunes recently...couldn't find the farkin desktop shortcut because the peanuts made it a different colour.

On that note if you've got all your music in iTunes and want it on your android without redoing all your farkin playlists, checkout the iSyncr app. Allows you to sync your music (selected playlists/albums/artists/podcasts/whole lot) over wifi or usb. Cost $5 after the trial period but well worth it.

Great for using the iPod on the car because it's still the best option there but having the same music synced on android devices too.

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  On 20/10/2014 at 1:56 PM, naldz006 said:

Yeh I've got a spigen case on it. Cost me about $15 from memory. Probably better ones out there, it's just what I got at the time. It has a bit of a lip over the front of the screen so it protects it quite well. Makes the phone a bit bulkier but because the phone back is glass and sides are aluminum it's pretty slippery to hold without a case on it.

  On 20/10/2014 at 7:25 PM, Pazzo said:

I got a Casemate cover on mine does the job, to break or crack the screen you really need to drop it hard, I have dropped mine a few times already... Lol... But nothing has happened.

Yeah I had a case on my S3 and dropped it plenty but never broke the thing. Decided I liked the S5 without a case and had a moment of sheer retardedness while pulling it out of my pocket to put it on my desk at work and managed to slip and then hand-punted my phone into my computer...couldn't believe it cracked the screen though. Tiny little crack on the top right corner, doesn't effect the touchscreen or impede the actual display portion of the screen, just managed to let some water in while it was in my pocket getting saturated in the rain which has in turn screwed something up inside and with the battery.

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This ugly beast of a questions raises its head..

I love my phone.. Be lost without it..

But work is only offering the Iphone 5C or the Samsung S5..

So.. Samsung Note Edge or Iphone 6+..

Seriously I don't really want to lose Imessage.. but I'm thinking of getting my family to convert to a text app like 'Whatsapp' or something..

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Go and handle those phones before picking one if you haven't already.

Some of them are getting stupidly big!

Phone choice is a personal preference. No one can tell you which phone you should get. Although many will try because their choice of phone MUST be the right one.

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Next phone for me will be the iPhone 5S. Not buying either of the new ones as I can't stand the size increase Samsung and Apple have forced on their customers.

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I just got the note 4. Great phone. Its a little bit big but good for clans.

Only a bit bigger then the 2 but has heaps of great features.

Edited by Bizkets is fat?
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