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Ba Stereo Install Help


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  • Member For: 11y 2m 22d

Thanks for the tips, crazy day yesterday and didnt get a chance to check this thread. I did manage pickup some female connectors from jaycar which will work on the amp's line inputs. The premium sound icc has the additional harnes hanging out the bottom so im guessing I could go that way but since I already have the dash on the ground at the moment so its a good opportunity to tap into the back of the ICC then its done and dusted. Sourced a wiring diagram for the ICC so should be straight forward - close my eyes, hit it with the oxy and hope for the best sounds lol.

Have a set of JL splits to go in the front but unfortunately some goon poorly installed the crossovers in the door, then wrapped the terminals in electrical tape just in case there wasnt enough chance of water destroying them, so now one of the input screws has gone titanic and having a lot of issues getting it off. I'll have a stab at drilling it out today and hopefully no more damage was done inside.

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