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Builders Or Home Builders Knowledge Needed Asap


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  • Member For: 13y 2m 25d

Hey guys

After some information and knowledge pretty quickly.

I'm building a home with McDonald jones and I have our final walk through today. The temp fencing came down few days ago so I was there yesterday marking out fencing etc and I've found that the house has been built off centre and doesn't not much the surveyors pegs so the back corner of house has lost 250mm on that side. I know it's made up for it on other side but problem is that side was right on envelope as it was and had bigger all room and now barely has any to walk down.

House is suppose to have 958mm from back corner alfresco post to the side of block but now it's only 700mm to the surveyors pegs.

As far as I'm concerned this is a breach of contract and a f*ck up as it has not been built to the design of the contracts I signed and causes a lot of issues as it is pretty much unable to be walked down once fence goes up and we have to change where we put bins and everything.

Anyone come across this before? I know I'm probably sh*t out of luck but I think there should be some potential reimbursement or something a simple sorry will not suffice in my eyes

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  • I <3 Floods
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Mate the builder should have gotten the surveyor to set out the slab..

If you signed anything accepting the set out you are screwed..

But if not it will fall back on builder/surveyor..

Also check your allowable tolerances.. 258mm seems a bit much but they may have an acceptable tolerance in the contract which could blow your mind..

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  • Member For: 13y 2m 25d

All we signed were the plans before construction started we didn't sign anything since the set out started and I havnt read anything in the contracts about an acceptable tolerance either, even if there was 258mm isn't acceptable when there's less then a metre between structure and fence as it is

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Quote 'I think there should be some potential reimbursement or something a simple sorry will not suffice in my eyes'.

I agree totally!

You pay for any variations or changes etc, then they make mistakes that can't be fixed or patched up, which in effect is a variation to contact.

You are then expected to just except it at the full cost!

This Is my one biggest complaint about building and will be all over it next time I build.

Edited by GeGe6
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  • Member For: 13y 2m 25d

Have u come across this before gege? I do final wall through less then an hour and builder supervisor is a condescending *beep* I think my gf is gonna see a side of me she hasn't seen before

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Is said fence on the footpath(corner block) or common with a neighbour, if footpath move it 250mm and hope the council don't notice.

I had an issue where a line if trees was on my boundary where I wanted to put a fence up...just moved it a weee bit ;-)

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  • I <3 Floods
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Also mate if the clearance from the structure to the boundary is reduced.. That might need approval from council.. If you need council to accept something outside their normal prescribed standards (ie: they will give you a relaxation for the building being too close to the boundary instead of telling you you can't live in the house), those relaxations cost money.. Some councils it's as little as $700 each.. But other councils these things can cost $5000..

Talk to your builder.. and then talk to your council.. Reporting the issue could bring them on side because you don't want to be fighting with your builder and your council.. That'll get messy and you probably aren't ready for that as you might not understand the industry. Your only option in a messy situation is a lawyer and that costs money.

Give the builder a chance to do right.. If he doesn't come to the party go to council.. But be prepared to seek legal advice.. This is a massive investment for you.. And I'd be pissed moving into a house if I knew something like that was wrong as it would eat me up..

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Get up them and see what they say, at least get them to acknowledge the screw up in writing so your covered if there's a prob down the track.

When I built , I rented a house within a short walk and was up there everyday with a tape measure, the amount of screw ups I found saved me a lot of heartache later.

Good luck!

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  • Member For: 13y 2m 25d

Yeah I know it could get messy that's what I want to avoid. I'm going to see builder now ill give them a chance to make this right it's a big mistake and I think some sort of reimbursement is not asking to

Much as its pretty much taken away our use of one side

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