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Ba Xt 2004 Fuel Tank Problem (Caught On Fire)

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  • Member For: 12y 7m 22d
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  • Location: Perth, SOR

Well my old's have been traveling in there BA XT 2004.

The car has done 190,000 and has always been well looked after.

On Saturday they where pulling there small caravan about 7km from Jurian Bay WA when they noted a car flashing head lights behind them.

A couple of Km's later they found a safe spot to pull over as the car had started to surge.

When they stopped they found the rear underside of the car on fire.

Thanks to the help of another passer by they managed to unhitch the caravan, and knock down the fames with two extinguishers.

The fire brigade attended and inspected and said that they where both very lucky indeed. They said it was possibly moments away from engulfing the car, as it had burnt through the boot. It had also started to ignite the back seat!

The car had work done on broken exhaust bracket in Canarvon before leaving that day.

You would think a leak would be noticed by the mechanic while it was on the hoist.

At this stage they are not sure what has happened to cause the fire.

So is there some known problem with fuel lines or tanks splitting in the BA?


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Plastic, as are the lines on the tank. Unlikely welding slag would burn a hole in the tank as they are pretty robust. Wouldn't be hard to burn a hole in the breather lines

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  • Member For: 12y 7m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, SOR

So headed up to Jurian Bay to pick up the old folks caravan.

While I was there went to check out their car, and got some pics.







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