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Xr6 Turbo For P-Plater <Merged Topic>


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people forget that some 19 year olds are on pretty good money, theres apprentices here in WA working away earning over 70 grand a year on there way to a 140k+ pay packet in a few years. so just because your young it doesnt mean you cant afford a loan.

theres no laws in WA either and I bought my xr6t 2 years ago when I was 18 on green P's, also had a ba v8 fairmont before that on red p's.

never been pulled over once.

drive responsibly, dont cover your car in *beep* stickers to make yourself stand out, and you wont get done.

but saying that if I lived over east I would definatly be sorting out my insurance properly

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Hi, just wondering, according to Vic P-plater restrictions, xr6 turbo is banned, BUT...

you can drive a prohibited vehicle if necessary for work purposes.

I own my own business and have an abn, blah blah.

Does this mean I can determine which vehicles "employees" (me) are required to drive.

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You probably can, but not worth it with insurance... Just drive a non turbo till your off your p's mate

It's not that long of wait, and you will respect the turbo a hell of a lot more

Also p-plater with turbo is 90% chance of losing your license, and if you have your own business you can't afford to not have a license

(Also I just turned 25, so I'm not an old Bugga whinging, haha) just offering advice

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Just going to put it out there so [FlameSuitOn]

I've been part of another fords site for some time and whenever this question is asked, there is a sh*tstorm of hate. I don't wish to sound like a kunt, but learn to drive first. These rules are to keep all & sundry safe, right or wrong the exceptions are there for a reason. The latest plate reading equipment they have would have alarms going off everyday and I'm fairly sure the cops have descression how they allow that so my best is if you continue you'd be on foot walking within a week.

My take on it? save the money and buy a house. That gets the bitches moist

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there have been cases in which you can get an exemption but very rarely and pretty much depends on the person taking the case..

man if you want to drive a turbo and don't mind the repercussions then go right ahead,my brothers just tuned 18 and we got him a xr6t drives it everyday to work and no hassels unless his doing something stupid or his just sh*t outta luck and runs into the wrong cop..buds it depends,some say yes,some say no..can you afford to buy a n/a now and then get a turbs later on?

hmm there are plenty questions? you should be asking yourself?

p.s my brohers ba is on its guts,wheels cooler ,manual etc,drives from Keilor - Craigieburn every day.... :pandalol:

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Do a couple of mods to an N/A, an fg will make over 200rwkw. I keep saying this every time this question comes up. Were spoilt for horse power these days and it makes us greedy. 300hp at the tyres is alot of power for a first car and alot more than we had back in the day. A dude on here dropped a bomb on a 6cyl vk back in the day and ran sub 80rwkw...

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