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Xr6 Turbo For P-Plater <Merged Topic>


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  • Member For: 15y 3m 23d
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If you got your p's prior to july 1st 2007 you COULD have driven an xr6t!!! But if you did your off your P's now. There was a loophole in the power to weight ratio act. Everyone im gathering knows about the power to weight law BUT did you know about the capacity to weight? Its says that if the car is over on one (eg. P 2 W) but not the other (C 2 W) you are permitted to drive it! Power to weight was not exceeding 125kw per tonne, capacity to weight was not exceeding 3.5L per tonne. I was pulled over numerous times and everytime I got off including HIGHWAY PATROL! Half of the traffic cops had no idea! Because the turbo is only a 4litre it didnt exceed the capacity to weight. I was insured as well and the vehicle is registered in my name.

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  • Member For: 14y 7m 7d
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when I was buying my first car at 17/18 I wanted a turbo but bit the bullet and got a ba n/a, as soon as I got off my p's bought an fg xr6t

if he is not like me nd cant wait then that's his decision nd he should just do it, no matter how many people tell him not to if he wants to he will

on my n/a I was paying about 3 n a half grand insurance thru just car every1 else wanted more so his insurance will be massive unless he gets a broker

what does he do for a job? im a chippy and I could have gotten a note from the boss signed by vicroads saying I need a high powered car for towing/ carrying heavy loads, but I didn't want the hassle of if getting pulled over, sure I woulda got off but its a hassle none the less

if he wants it just get it, 40k for a 2nd hand car though, few more and he can have a brand new 1

Edited by j.d
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I tried that damn capacity to weight thing as well, with a printed letter from the Vicroads website showing where it says that. Highway Patrols response? Vicroads aren't always correct, you have to check with the Police. Wtf? What are Vicroads for then? I subsequently requested for the matter to be taken to court, waiting for a response.

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  • Member For: 16y 2m 19d
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Highway Patrols response? Vicroads aren't always correct, you have to check with the Police.

biggest dogs!!!! im so over their attitude. seems they will almost do anything for a fine

I was threatened with a warning that they could lock me up in the station till they found my true identity for not carrying my drivers license with me.

all of a sudden im a criminal for driving my own car to work??? wtf.

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  • Member For: 14y 4m 23d
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The new P plate laws in SA are a joke. Dont know how they work in other states, but here you cant drive a V8, or turbo car.

Now, my daughter has a VT Clubsport with the 195KW 5ltr engine, and she is off her Ps, but a P plater cant drive her car, but if they buy a VE with 210KW V6, its legal. What a joke.

Anyway, I would be surprised if he could get a $40,000 loan these days with the banks etc clamping down on throwing money around like they used to.

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  • Member For: 15y 3m 16d
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ive just got off my p's not long ago but I have had 2 xr t's since I was 19 and only ever had one power to weight fine, I always had f6 front bar and big chrome coolers, massive wheels and massive power but for some weird reason never got pulled over or in trouble, I was always out on the prinny on fri nights always had p's displayed but I guess its down to luck.



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  • Member For: 14y 6m 14d
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mate had a turbo pulsar on his p's, bought it off a guy in nsw, it had mods like u wouldnt believe, it was almost a semi pro race car. took him 3 months to get caught with it and was fined through the nose in vic ($400+) and something like 3 fines, ended up selling it as he would risk losing his license if he drove it again. it had nsw rego though, and I dont think he had insurance either. luckily he got a buyer pretty soon after.

whoever your mate is, if he gets caught hes gonna have a nice headache, plus 40k loan? gl finding a bank who would approve that let alone repay the 60k+ in the end that itll cost him after interest.

Edited by DeKay
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  • Member For: 15y 8m 24d

not the smartest choice to have a loan that size at that age but I guess you gotta live your life could die tomorrow

as for getting caught I always had v8s and my xr6 T never got pulled over once with Ps on display as mentioned before comes down to right place at the right time lol

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