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Xr6 Turbo For P-Plater <Merged Topic>


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  • Member For: 19y 11m 20d
  • Location: The North Cooma End of Canberra...

I wish these governments would wake up to the facts.

High performance cars usually have excellent steering, suspension, brakes, and a whole host of things which stop it from leaving the road short of the driver doing something really stupid.

Most P plate drivers drive 20 year old sh*t boxes. These things don't have good steering, suspension, breaks, or have anything which stop it from leaving the road.

Most 20 year old sh*t boxes which are the typical transport of P platers have only the basic safety features, which means that if they are involved in an accident the results can often be fatal.

99.9% of all drivers do the right thing on our roads. It's the 0.1% who do the wrong thing. These 0.1% also don't really give a stuff about the law, therefore making something illegal is not going to stop the 0.1% which the law is targeting, it's simply punishing the other 99.9% of drivers.

Unless your pulled up at an RBT or license check, you most likely will not be caught. There are P Platers who right now never show their P Plates, and they have never been pulled over. In-fact not showing their P plates probably help them not to be pulled over.

Besides everyone thinks they are an above average driver (myself included).

Whilst I'm on this rant, yes I think high performance cars such as ours should be limited to certain drivers. But I don't think that should be age based. I think it should be on completion of a course to ensure that you actually know how to handle the power. (Similar to what Ford does for the FPV's). Right now a 40 year old, who has only ever driven low powered toyota's can purchase a high performance car and start driving it like crazy, and this happens. The hooning problem is not limited to the P platers of society.

Edited by harvyk
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Politicians who use these useless surveys have the following sad characteristics:

-never heard of the concept of valid and reliable statistics

-allow others such as a biased survey from the media to determine their response to an issue

-love to quote percentages as you cannot tell what number was used in the numerator or denominator to derive the "percentage"

-provide simple solutions for complex issues

-believe if they legislate for it that all will be fixed........yeah right

-believe people have thought about the suggestive question before answering it ie. does the question suggest a yes or a no?

-know nothing about random selection and sufficient sample size of respondents

-phony about providing a solution that is positive AND workable

-listen to people who's time is filled with contributing to bullsh*t poorly structured self serving media "surveys" such as this one

-listening to people who usually have no idea or real interest on how to solve anything unless by banning it or applying their great 14th century mind

I mean is this the best they can do to solve this issue????????????? Give me a break :banghead: .

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 24d
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Thanks to those who like me want to get hoons off the road and make said roads safer for us and our family. To those who agree with the government and simply want to jump on the "f*ck P-Platers" bandwagon and ban these vehicles from all P-Platers, STFU. You don't know me, or djkice, or any other P-plater who drives a performance car (or wants to) from a bar of soap.

I'd like to see some kind of driver training scheme that allows different levels of licensing for people who prove their competence in such vehicles. I am 17 years old, and I am a pilot. Although not commercial, the aircraft I fly cruise at over 200km/hour and are capable of much, much more. Aircraft are inherently unstable, dangerous, and difficult to operate, but I can fly one of those at 17 with the potential to kill hundreds in a crash, but I can't drive an XR6T??? I actually flew solo at 16, and had my private licence shortly after turning 17.

Like I said, I know heeps of ppl with performance cars, many of my close M8's who are my age or slightly older have worked performance cars. My step brother for one had a HX Kingswood 202 for his first car, but within days had a 308 in it which quickly became a fully worked, blueprinted, alloy headed 355 stroker with a billet driveline. Now that hes 23, he hasn’t had a single crash in the car as he and all the other Northam boys with similarly powered rides had the brains to always chop up out at the farms and on disused roads.

Saying that all P-platers are hoons and banning performance cars from them is akin to saying all Germans are NAZI's, all Kiwi's shag sheep, and Tasmanians f*ck their sisters..... None of that is even close to the truth... it is a Grose generalisation... just as the P-Plate assumption is. Further, the “all P-Platers are in-experienced" assumption is BS too. I could drive my Corolla till' I’m 40 and it wouldn’t teach me anymore about handling high performance rear wheels drive cars. It would however result in me killing myself the second I DID jump into a decent car. I'm a P-plater, and when working nightshift for my dad over the January school holidays as the nominated person in charge of safe working for the city rail works, I was driving his tuned pursuit ute all over town in the middle of the night, down freeways and all, and did I stomp the throttle when going down the off ramp into Northbridge or at any other time during my endless hours with the car? NO. But I’m 17 and had been only on my car licence for a few months???? Hmmm.

Like I said, these rules are a useless POS attempted vote-winning wank that will do FA. The government could reduce hooning by more than 50% if it took V series Crumpledores off the road as they account for more than half the cars impounded.

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 24d
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Let me ask a question to all those concerned about hooning. (FYI, I H-A-T-E hoons, I more so hate the lame dick efforts to stop it like this one involving P-Platers)

The government has previously said that people will be less likely to hoon after the introduction of 'tough" anti-hooning laws because the ultimate consequence is they will loose their licence, their car, or even go to jail (the latter being the most serious).

If a hoon is willing to give up their own life, as well as the life of another innocent person on the road, for the rush that hooning delivers, then what good is sending them to jail, if they are willing to DIE for hooning.

If they are willing to DIE for hooning, what good is threatening them with jail?

Death is the ultimate punishment, and hoons are prepared to take it as a result of their actions.

What the government needs to do is convince the punters not to be willing to sacrifice their life for hooning.

Try doing that instead of punishing innocent people like myself and the countless others around the country for what other dickheads do, and remove our right for something that we love and have worked really, really hard for.

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Everyone calm down.

This is only if labour wins, which is kinda unlikely.

Also there is no justified proof that this sort of legislation saves lives(already introduced in other states and there has been no dramatic decerase in deaths)

Such legislation to be approved, if you are already a P Plater and own a high performance car once it is implimented if you have owned your car(must be under your name) before the implimentation of the new legislation you wont be effected.

Though they could also introduce another legislation to effect P Platers who currently own high performance cars, which in being be to pay purchase price of the vehicle and then the vehicle being onsold. Though that is highly unlikly and would be very expensive.

There one is really silly. It is not like eastern states with power to weight ratio. Its just "no turbo, v8 or any cars which are on the list or high powered 6's..." go strengthn a 4 cylinder or buy a rotary haha :P also noticed the "expemtions for work" that's just a huge loop hole.

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 8d
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Kael you seem very passionate about all this but if you are old enough to vote, there ARE several lib's who understand that lowering the road toll has more to do with safer roads, better driver training, safer cars etc. Not that it will change anything mind you, but it will give you a warm fuzzy feeling.

I hate to tell you this but YOU (and me and the majority of this forum) fall into the "hoon" category :) None of us are innocent and we've all broken road rules (some of us have broken far too many!!), done silly things on cruises and we modify our cars for one main reason. To make them go faster and perform better on the street.

Why do you want a car with 314rwkw? Are you going to use it solely on the track? What happens when you get a suggestive and attractive girl in the car who wants to know how fast your car will go? What happens when your one eyed Expensive Daewoo mate gets in the car? Take it from me, when it happens you will give it a bit of stick. Yep, that makes you a hoon. I notice you have a radar detector? If you dont break the road rules, you dont need one..

All these hoon laws are bought in so the police and government appear to the community to be targetting a problem. Of course they dont make the roads safer but joe public thinks they do. that's a win for them! They are here to stay regardless who wins. You think the lib's will drop them? No ******* way.

Take it from me, your energy is better spent working hard to afford a nice car and finding ways to enjoy it. Of course you'll still be able to own an XR6T. If you remove the badges and dont draw attention to yourself the police will never pull you over! There are plenty of ways around this but the stupid people will be getting pinged and bitching on car forums about how hard done by they are! Meanwhile you have figured its about time, place and plenty of legal venue's to actually learn how your car works. Hoon laws used to worry me (with my record you would understand why) but I now understand with a bit of commonsense they present no problems

Edited by Mat
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Everyone calm down.

Kael better calm down or he'll be copping a holiday....

Carrying on here like a monkey with its toe cut off aint going to get you anywhere....

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 30d
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That is ridic. So if they bring in the laws if you had like 6 months left on your probation does that still mean your car will be confiscated? Sold?

Nah im guessing theyd do the same thing they did in NSW. Set a date and anyone who gets their P's after that date is affected by the laws and everyone who got it b4 that is exempt.

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