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Xr6 Turbo For P-Plater <Merged Topic>


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  • Member For: 21y 9m 21d
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I was lucky to survive driving as a teenager. More good luck than anything. I don't see any problem with young drivers being limited in the cars they are allowed to drive.

Some will say that they have done courses and other crap. It dont matter, young males in powerful cars is an accident waiting to happen regardless of their level of experience.

People getting their licences need to get experience on the roads for a couple of years before getting powerful cars.

Geea. :nod:

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  • Member For: 19y 3m 13d
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I was lucky to survive driving as a teenager. More good luck than anything. I don't see any problem with young drivers being limited in the cars they are allowed to drive.

Some will say that they have done courses and other crap. It dont matter, young males in powerful cars is an accident waiting to happen regardless of their level of experience.

People getting their licences need to get experience on the roads for a couple of years before getting powerful cars.

Geea. :glad:

Everyone seems to be overlooking the fact that P platers in Victoria are already restricted in what cars they can drive.


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  • Member For: 20y 8m 24d
I drove like a f*uckwit as an 18 yr old. In my day, a car that ran 14's was pretty quick and my Hemi 6 ran 15.0. It used to smash 351's, 308's, XU1's - for its time it went OK.

Thru pure luck, I never killed myself, nor lost my license. The problem with youngsters having powerful cars is not neccesarily driver skill, its often maturity and knowing the limit of your own capabilities.

I have been driving for 25 years. I can tell you now, that if I had been limited to a 180B when I was 18, do you think it would worry me now.

I dont want to sound like a grumpy old bastard, but believe me, at 18 you are not invincible. You think you are, but you arent.

Get over it, you'll live. :glad:

And that's the problem right there.

If you're lucky your first accident will be losing it around a corner in the wet doing 60k's in a Corolla and not 110 k's in a WRX. This way you will get a glimps of mortality and hopefully learn from it.

A sense of invisibilty + inexperience + a fast car = trouble, period.

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 7d
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do we really want some snotty nosed, pimple faced kid driving around in supd up skyline, wrx or xr6t?

you pay more for insurance on any vehicle when you are under 25, the reason is that people under 25 are involved in more accidents, therefore you would expect a kid with little driving experience would have to incurr tougher driving laws until they are considered experienced.

P's until your 21 is my opinion, I dont trust a 17 year old to be driving anywhere near my XR6T be it on the highway or in a carpark (not that they're getting close on a highway :wub: )

If some little *beep* hit my car.......I would probably end up in prison.

A little *beep* in a turbo charged car - you've got to be fuggin mental if you support that. And yes I do understand that there would be some teenagers that are good drivers, and that some older drivers can't drive for sh*t but these laws have been put into place by politicians that were elected by the people.....if you don't like it go and live in china or Nrth Korea or somewhere like that......

You''l will understand when you get older. :laughing:

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Ive come in on the end of this but the amount of times I have been placed or others placed in danger at the hands of some C O C K head p plater who has had a licence for 2 weeks, daddy buys them a turbo or a quick v8 and they think they are Michael Shumacher behind the wheel, is just beyond the joke. Not knowing the full extent of the laws which will be introduced I cant comment on the harshness of it, but something has to be done about these tools.

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I support any decision that will bring down the road toll of young drivers.

When I was a little tacker that just got his licence I fooled around in my 79 Escort Ghia as much as the next guy. I got lucky one night when I had a horrific accident on the south eastern freeway where the other guy was killed. It wasn't my fault but It made me think twice about what could happen if speed was involved. I was 18 at the time.

I lost 3 mates at around the same time in 2 seperate accidents. One wiped himself off into a tree at 160 kmh after being flung through the windscreen and kissing the tree. The other 2 were involved in a street race and had a head on collision with a car carrying a young family after they lost control on a corner. Both drivers were really good mates but I could'nt help but feel what idiots they were after witnessing my accident.

You may be able to handle the speed and performance of an 8 or T but it's not just you on the road. There are others that just aren't up to standards required, regardless of their age. It all comes down to experience and the experiences you get with your parents on your L's and in the hands of the instructor. It's just not enough because every time you set foot in your car there is a different scenario. There's never any 2 scenarios the same, as similiar as they may seem, there will always be differences. Years of driving will help you adapt and learn.

It's a persons driving experience that gets them out of these scenarios, not luck or someone sitting beside them. When you get out on your own you feel a sense of release and 'try things' that you would'nt have done with your parents or instructor sitting beside you. That's when things go pear shaped and with little experience you'll panic or just shutdown.

This is the first 'performance' car I've ever owned. I'm 34 and never had the funds or things just weren't right at the time. I'm re-learning how to drive with all this power under my foot and the temptation of ramming the foot through the floor is just as strong as it was when I was 18. But sense and experience (and leaving my wife a widow) is always in the back of my mind and takes over quick smart.

Listen to what the older guys are saying here - they speak from experience. It sounds as if we/they are being old fuddy duddys and treating younger drivers with contempt but that's certainly not the case.

Anyway dude, why would you want to have $3200 insurance bills each year and have a loan hanging over your head for the next 5-7 years at 18?

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Anyway dude, why would you want to have $3200 insurance bills each year and have a loan hanging over your head for the next 5-7 years at 18?

I understand what you're saying mate, and I feel for you and your loss. Doesnt look like I will be behind the wheel of something fast any time soon so I might aswell stop complaining..

Oh and by the way, about that insurance bill.. my parents kind of volunteered to pay for that and the car if I get into uni :sick:

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a xrt or wrx at 17-18 is like learning to ride on a cr500 in thongs. Some will handle it but most will end up in hospitail or dead and not one will master it. Bring it on I say but dont just stop there, introduce better, more complete training.

Ps my first car was a xagt 4 dr. Never crashed it but came soooo close too many times. I grew up on a farm and was driving at 8, but not too much traffic on the farm.

Edited by turtle33
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 13d
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Anyway dude, why would you want to have $3200 insurance bills each year and have a loan hanging over your head for the next 5-7 years at 18?

I understand what you're saying mate, and I feel for you and your loss. Doesnt look like I will be behind the wheel of something fast any time soon so I might aswell stop complaining..

Oh and by the way, about that insurance bill.. my parents kind of volunteered to pay for that and the car if I get into uni :bowdown:

mate, I know this isn't what you're gonna want to hear, but take it from me... some one who has got a uni debt to pay off. Instead of the car, put that money aside for uni fees, hecs etc.. (unless they're paying for uni..) in which, case put that money aside for a house :sick: or, if you don't want a house or need a house, put it away for a nice car in a few years time.

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