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Xr6 Turbo For P-Plater <Merged Topic>


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Ok guys, since the new Victorian P-Plater laws have now been finalised, they're starting to piss me off :blink:

As of July 1 2007, no cars with turbochargers, superchargers, 8 cylinders or more, nominated high performance 6 cylinders, and no performance increasing modifications whatsoever.

As of July 1 2008, P1 and P2 bullsh!t comes into practice.

I for one will be hit with the first bill, but will escape the second. This is making my plan of owning a wrx or xr6t seem a fantasy.

Is there any chance the public can get these laws revised?

Also, what is your opinion on these laws?

Not Happy Jet :fool:

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I thinkt hey should do MORE.

While I can understand that you may not be a hoon, unfortunatly a minority of P platers ARE IDDIOTS and ruin it for the rest of you.

P platers should not be allowe more than 1 passanger, should not be allowed to drive between 11pm and 5am, limited cars in power and given several advanced/defencive/expert driving instruction.

Unfortunatly the governement will only do what is the cheapest and reactionary measures possible.

I am sure like everything there will be a way to get around the rules.

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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P platers should not be allowed more than 1 passenger, should not be allowed to drive between 11pm and 5am

That may work in the city but it just doesn't wash out here Zap. What if there's a party on and P platers can't drive all their mate's home, so they walk home along the road drunk after the party and get plowed into by a car? What If a P Plater wanted to go out with their mates on a Friday night for a laugh (but not drink) do they leave at half past ten or what have you in order to get home on time?

Laws like that are a bit like daylight savings, they may be OK for people in the city but people can be affected adversely elsewhere.

As for alot of the rest of it, I think it's perfectly fine. Why the hell would any responsible parent LET want their kid to learn to drive in a car like an XR6T or WRX?

Lumpy :laughing:

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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P platers should not be allowed more than 1 passenger, should not be allowed to drive between 11pm and 5am

That may work in the city but it just doesn't wash out here Zap. What if there's a party on and P platers can't drive all their mate's home, so they walk home along the road drunk after the party and get plowed into by a car? What If a P Plater wanted to go out with their mates on a Friday night for a laugh (but not drink) do they leave at half past ten or what have you in order to get home on time?

Laws like that are a bit like daylight savings, they may be OK for people in the city but people can be affected adversely elsewhere.

As for alot of the rest of it, I think it's perfectly fine. Why the hell would any responsible parent LET want their kid to learn to drive in a car like an XR6T or WRX?

Lumpy :laughing:


The 11pm-5am rule has always been in effect in NZ for learners, I do not see much difference here as far as transport and parties.

I am sure that kids go to parties before they get there P's so I am sure they can get a lift with their parents, bus, grandma or whatever.

Most of these senceless deaths seem to always involve a car full of kids and late at night. I am sure P platers kill them selves at other times of the day, but it just seems to always be a trend.

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I dont agree with the changes.

In my opinion, more emphasis should be put on accquiring the licence and education.

To much emphasis, on new laws and penalities. Only cause its easier and earns revenue for the state.

I have said it before but I will say it again, a SMART for two would be outlawed by these changes, what a f*cking farce.




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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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lift with their parents, bus, grandma or whatever.
Or if you're out in whoop whoop like Lumpy, horse is yet another option.

Too many wild women out here...you'd never get the horse back from em :laughing:

Lumpy :tease:

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Why the hell would any responsible parent LET want their kid to learn to drive in a car like an XR6T or WRX?

Lumpy :stirthepot:

I believe that parents should take the responsibility to teach their kids how to drive before the kids get their p's..

I agree with the proposed changes. If it helps someone get to 21, it cant be all bad.

Come on luke p-platers aren't the only people on the road who have accidents..

P platers should not be allowed more than 1 passenger, should not be allowed to drive between 11pm and 5am

That may work in the city but it just doesn't wash out here Zap. What if there's a party on and P platers can't drive all their mate's home, so they walk home along the road drunk after the party and get plowed into by a car? What If a P Plater wanted to go out with their mates on a Friday night for a laugh (but not drink) do they leave at half past ten or what have you in order to get home on time?

Laws like that are a bit like daylight savings, they may be OK for people in the city but people can be affected adversely elsewhere.

As for alot of the rest of it, I think it's perfectly fine. Why the hell would any responsible parent LET want their kid to learn to drive in a car like an XR6T or WRX?

Lumpy :laughing:


The 11pm-5am rule has always been in effect in NZ for learners, I do not see much difference here as far as transport and parties.

I am sure that kids go to parties before they get there P's so I am sure they can get a lift with their parents, bus, grandma or whatever.

Most of these senceless deaths seem to always involve a car full of kids and late at night. I am sure P platers kill them selves at other times of the day, but it just seems to always be a trend.

So you would rather have your kids roaming around the streets at night taking public transport than in a friend of theirs who you can trust's car??

I dont agree with the changes.

In my opinion, more emphasis should be put on accquiring the licence and education.

To much emphasis, on new laws and penalities. Only cause its easier and earns revenue for the state.

I have said it before but I will say it again, a SMART for two would be outlawed by these changes, what a f*cking farce.




that's exactly the way I see it.. The tests should be made more difficult, that's what will distinguish the good drivers from the bad.

Guys I think the problem here isnt only p-platers with nice cars, but its the test you undergo to get your licence. How many sh!t drivers are there on the road and how many of them drive modified cars?

Some 18 year old girl in a Hyundai can cause the same amount of damage as an 18 year old boy in a wrx, as both cars can exceed the speed limit.

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