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Car Stolen


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  • Member For: 10y 10m 17d

Sorry about the crap situation you're dealing with.

'Technology Creep' caught a Diplomat about 8-10 years ago. He and his lover drove from Sydney to Canberra, to kill the lovers husband. They denied being in Canberra, but were identified/photographed by an overhead/bridge Truck Fatigue camera system on the Hume hwy. Busted!

As for prevention, I wonder if the Apple Tile would work. Tracked from your IPhone. Used for luggage, children etc:


I hope you get your car back.

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Never heard of this Apple Tile thingy so I asked old mate Google and he gave me https://www.thetileapp.com/

In the 'how does it work' page, they make this statememt:

Tile casts a signal across a 100-foot radius, making short work of any haystacks you lose your needles in. And since every phone with Tile helps find your stuff, your search range is potentially limitless.

Very Interesting.

oh and btw........I echo everything that's been said about the loss of your car. :(

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Well if I see it im going to follow it and call the cops and I would suggest anybody else in the area approach it the same way. Giving chase could end badly. As much as I want to hurt the pricks. This is a mans hard earned were talking about.

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With all these cameras in the road. It will be recorded. You would think police or insurance investigator would have access though.

Yes they can. but lets put things into perspective. How many cars do you think were stolen today? do you think its financially viable for the insurance companies to pay someone to trawl through XXXX amount of footage, to lead to nothing? What if it was put into a shipping container, or old mates garage? Or is it cheaper to wait until the car turns up? Even if it was spotted, whats that going to prove? It was last spotted eastbound on such n such. Male driver. 150kph. Insurance companies dont care, they want to do things as cheap as they can. And car theft isnt a high priority on the po po's list of chit to investigate.

Like most systems the people that pay for it should have access to it.

Now if I'm not mistaken with the amount if data and access to private information. This broad and varied network of cameras should only be owned by the government. So in instances like this. The appropriate authority, state police should be able to use it.

Maybe I watch to many American TV shows

Any info much appreciated.

Read above. Yes all video footage is available to any state or federal po po. But to pay someone to trawl through it simply isnt viable. Especially when it could lead to nothing.

Most footage is kept for 28 days.

GPS trackers are a excellent idea. I will find out the system we use here at work, it utilises Google Maps, it can tell if the car is powered on off, current speed etc etc. Not sure what the subscription fees are......

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How did they steal it?

Did they get your keys?

unless they had your key/s {spare key from previous owner},the only way to take it is by using a tow truck/tandem...etc? without having a key,ecu or ignition barrel there almost impossible to steal..

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I do know that its been done before in a street I lived in years ago. The owner reckons that they turned up in 2 tow trucks at 1am in the morning and opened there garage and loaded his HSV GTS and his 80 series landcruiser, all while they were sleeping. He was insured and he had new for old replacement. Funny that the VZ HSV GTS was no longer sold so the replacement was a VE GTS series 2............

Ever heard how loud a tilt tray is when loading.....

The owner was a little nervous when I started asking questions about the tilt trays loading them......

Not saying that's the case with yours mate. Just stating a story.

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unless they had your key/s {spare key from previous owner},the only way to take it is by using a tow truck/tandem...etc? without having a key,ecu or ignition barrel there almost impossible to steal..

Dont want to say too much but they had the spare key.

Thanks to everyone for putting the word out and keeping an eye out, much appreciated.

After all the time and work ive put into it I'm devastated its gone, part of me really wants it back but theres also a part that says "no you dont", dread to think wot theyve done to it.

Ive always been very security conscious especially with my cars etc but from now on ill be stepping it up a level.

As far as a replacement goes, the way I'm feeling at the moment I wont be bothering again, spending all that time and money for this to happen. Thinking I might just buy an old tray back ute and not worry about it.

Then a little head pops over my shoulder and says "new XR8"

Look after wots important to you guys.

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  • flame magnet
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how did they have a spare key? did you hide one outside and they knew where? did they break in your house and take the key? im assuming its not affiliated with a previous owner because you dont seem to know who it is.

as stated these things are almost impossible to steal unless you put them on a flat bed or hitch the rear up and tow away.

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GPS tracking can be done very cheap with a $50 GPS tracker from dealextreme.com and a SIM card that has GPRS (internet) data. You will need a mobile/sim card plan with 10-100mb per month (depending how often you want to upload) to send GPS coordinates to an online tracking website such as http://gps-trace.com/ which is completely free and can be accessed anywhere, they even have a mobile app.

You will need to shop around for the best SIM card deal, I use Lebara mobile prepaid as they give you 1MB FREE per day (which is enough for 1024 uploads as each GPRS upload to GPS-Trace is around 1kb) and their prepaid credit lasts 90 days with auto topup. So $10 per 90 days is all that it costs me, $40 per year.

This is the tracker that I use, model TLT-2H. You control it by SMS commands and the manual is in Chinglish but there is plenty of support for this model on the GPS-Trace forums, someone has even made an Android setup app which sends the correct SMS commands for you https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tinx.gpstm

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