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Zf Revs Fluctuate


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  • Member For: 17y 11m 26d
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  • Location: Gladstone, Queensland

Mick, with the lockup not working correctly did you notice and increase in the box oil temp?

Edited by 45T-XR
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  • Member For: 14y 4m 13d

What's the factory stall? It happens somewhere between 1500-2000rpm and then only and in no other rev range, making me think it could be converter related.

What about the fact that it only does it when cold? Should that be making any difference?

Obviously this trans shop should be able to find out next week but bit of anxious wait

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 26d
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  • Location: Gladstone, Queensland

Are you 100% sure they used LG6 when they topped up the transmission?

Before I rebuild my gearbox, I was running Transmax Z. I did notice on the odd occasion where I had to go out in a hurry instead of letting the car warm up, I would get a shudder from what I was confident was the converter also.

Once warm it would work fine. Im not sure if there is a variance in viscosity or friction properties between transmax/ LG especially when cold but that is what it seemed like to me. When I built my gearbox I have been running LG since day dot with no issue, hot or cold. I believe the way the calibration is setup in the TCM it would be sensitive to different tranny oils being used. I would confirm that your box does have the correct type of oil and level. Then after that, try a tranny shop to get the converter tested. I've never actually had one fail in a late model car and the fact that these transmissions are electronically controlled it would make diagnosis harder in my opinion as there are a few tables that can be changed for TCC lockup. Mick how did you confirm the converter was cactus. Was it a case of seeing slip at WOT, or was it found during datalogging and watching for lockup and input shaft speed to the box or something like that?

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Follow up from taking it into a shop today..

Oil level was spot on and condition was very good (their words). The converter is definitely slipping but only when cold and at low constant rpm. Its the first converter issue they have seen where a coolant mix wasn't the issue (no factory exchanger so can't be that on mine), so they speculate it could be the oil as they have never used GW syntrans. Looking at $1500 for recond converter, service and labour, but been told to monitor it for the moment. They also suggested a zf tune could help (which I have planned anyway)

So I guess my only question is how many problems are there with syntrans in ZF's. From what I heard most if not all people using that oil haven't had issues

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 1d
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I have the fcking "wharr" noise in the gearbox of my F6X and was going to go for the zf tune also. I switched to transmax z at the cars 90k mark but the noise stayed. It does it at any temp also to make it worse...

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I've got a 2010 FG Turbo and at about 80.000 Km's, it started to clunk into 1st gear when stopping at lights. Installed a new tranny filter and flushed the fluid and put in GW Syntrans about 12 months ago and the 1st gear clunking was totally eliminated.

However, it does have an engine rev variation when cold for about 2-3 kms from a cold morning start BUT only in manual shift mode when you change up gears at minimum speed/ revs. However, leaving in drive, the upchanges are about 10km/hr higher or a few hundred revs higher and the box performs absolutely normal - no surges. As soon as the temp gauge gets to "warm", the box is normal. After approx 10,000Km's, I dropped the tranny pan and changed the filter. I cut open the filter and it was as clean as, so I wasted a few bucks on filter and oil, but gained peace of mind that the Syntrans was all good. GW have released a later version of Syntrans, but I haven't researched it. Will have a look at that next tranny oil change in about 50K klms time.

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