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Turbosmart Actuators Are Rubbish ?

genuine  honest  person

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Don't think he has the stock parts ratter. Everything came from a modified wreck. So it pretty much has to work in some capacity as it is or it's useless to him...

Hence the reason RDP left it the way it was I guess. Would of been nice if they actually tried to help though. I agree with what you say about them not fitting/supplying parts ect. However it seems to me like they threw their hands in the air and didn't really try at all. Where you probably would have at least offered some advice or diagnosis if you could have. Of course nobody expects you to spend hours diagnosing issues you didn't create that you wont get paid for. But you would have made an effort to help the customer.

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I'm sure he could come across some stock parts without too much hassle and at least get the car driving properly, assuming there is no issue with the ecu.

We will normally accurately identify the cause of any possible issues if a car does not perform as expected if it can be done in the time frame allowed

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I spoke this morning with him about what is going on with my car .He explained to me that there is a issue with the computer due to changing the solenoid it made no difference .so I

decided for him to go ahead and fit the E boost only if he could guaranty me that it would fix the problem .

.I also asked why he changed the injectors instead of the valve springs ,his reply was that they did not play up before he tuned it to 300 rwkw

.The thing is I asked him before I got it tuned if the valve springs were no good no more due to the engine did not produce power after 5300 rpm (big drop in the dyno graph from RDP )

to me that said that the valve springs may be stuffed . So now I have big injectors but can not use them ,would have been better if he fitted new springs so the engine revs smoothly .I

have seen the 440 injectors do 300 rwkw on some of the cars on this forum . the problem is I am no mechanic ,so I have to trust one . I knew that the car must have some issues

because it just did not run correctly after RDP tuned it . I decided to get it tuned by him ,only because everyone was booked out or cancelled on me .Also the owner of the shop has

a 1000 hp fg xr6 turbo ,so he must know something I thought .And yes I wanted to go to powercruise no mater what , I slaved over this car for nearly 7 month to get it there and then

not going there due to some tuner not giving a sh*t .That just made me feel so disappointed and let down ,that I picked the nearest tuner available that had time to help me get it

sorted out before the 11 september . I do not ask much in live but just to have some fun with what I love best ,and that is cars . I have never ever owned a real nice car due to

people ripping me of . that's why I decided to build this car my self ,but I can not tune cars so I am relying on professionals to do there job correctly for me .ps mi girlfriend just came

home from work crying ,our mazda 3 that we had sins new got hailed on .Its not worth owning a nice car

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yes he said it would fix it 100% .the ute is still in the shop ,may get it back tomorrow .

the mazda has some hail damage but that's just live .we have insurance ,but will not even bother to get it fixed .its a 2008 model with 100.000 on the clock ,so we will not sell it for another 10 years or 100.000 klm . it was a real nice looking car due to fitting some nice wheels to it (revolvers by speedy ) and Pirelli p7 tyres

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Tbh I havent heard too many great stories about ol mate at caloundra either as ive heard some horror stories from them as well. But whats done is done I suppose. Just hope that all the money time and effort that uve spent has been worth it from being fuct over by tuners that have seen you coming.

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I just trust to many people , I would never take advantage of no one like people do to me .how can they sleep at night knowing what they have done ? look in the near future I will fix

what I have to (happy days )just got to get over another hurdle and I will be ok . One day I will own my dream car "porsche 911 turbo" and this ba falcon

will be in the back yard doing what fords do best ,rust in peace .But for now that's all I got ,can not sell it it owes me close to $35,000 with the purchase of it .

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  On 27/08/2014 at 8:54 AM, Kosij said:

sh*ts me hearing stores like this one.

All it would have taken was a tuner with knowledge for these cars and you would have been set. Live & learn I say.

I am 44 years old ,and I will never wake up to people ripping me of . I trust people to do the right thing

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I'm running those nizpro factory modded injectors that my first tuner fitted and they are running ok with 300rwkw, the nizpro springs that were fitted went soft after six months and I have recently changed the waste gate actuator the the first guy fitted ( a 15 psi unit) back to a 12 psi unit, so the only thing fitted now is those nizpro injectors that cpv tuned it with . touch wood they are still going strong...

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