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Turbosmart Actuators Are Rubbish ?

genuine  honest  person

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Jesus the power falls off in the top end... Surely that can't just be related to springs? Tune looks dodgy to me...

Chin up mate. I know exactly how you feel. I've got the worst luck ever and have even had a bad run with my current car with warranty claims, ford damaging my car etc etc.

Just take a step back for a while, re-assess and then got to a REPUTABLE tuner to get it sorted. You'll have done your cash if you just sell it off. It sounds like its bloddy close to getting it right, just hang in there!

Edited by demon1300
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Feel for you here! You've had the fu..ck around that's for sure !! And I'm not convinced they know what the issues are yet. If they truly thought the PCM was to blame, they could've bought a second hand one in working order for half that of the eboost setup. I believe they are trying to mask another issue with the eboost. But I don't know that for sure.

Good luck mate! Hope it's resolved soon!

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How would a gearbox get hot tuning it or test driving it.

I would argue that this is either a massive problem ie the gearbox is not up to the task of the power your asking it to handle or not a problem at all.

Forget the curve. Forget the wank of an attitude of the tuner.

But you asked him to tune to 310 rwkw with dodgy valve springs. He did that. Were is the problem with the tune?

The tailgate is inexcusable, that bites.

But mate I believe you are wallowing in negativity.

f*cking buck up and enjoy the nice car you have built.

Now go take it for a f*cking cruise grab a coffee and post what it feels like to drive now.

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Completely agree with KS....again...you have spent way to much money and time to just give up. You really need to take a break from it mate and chill out. Spend some time with the missus and get some brownie points there because she must be supportive. She hasn't even tried to kill you or leave you yet lol.

The springs are definitely gone, 312 rwkw at what looks to be just below 5000rpm. You didn't even reach the magic 5250 rpm where torque and power intersect. So it was still climbing.

Your box is still shifting fine? You are getting it serviced soon. Dont worry bout it. Do you have a trans cooler?

Also mate, you bought a modified wreck you couldn't test drive. It was always a gamble. Did the wreck have an eboost fitted? If so then obviously the pcm had the problem all along...its just the unknown mate. Looks like your combo will make good power with springs and a good tuner.

Im sure your sick of every body telling you what you should/should've done. So here's what I would do...Enjoy it as it is for a while, cause it must hammer even with that tune. Not turn it past 5000rpm. Give my bank account a break. Spend some time family and friends. Approach it again in a couple of months with a clear head and enough cash for springs and retune at FPT.

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will do .the automatic has a trans cooler .the automatic guy explained to me ,if you continuously do power runs it will heat up very fast . You have to give the car a break from it to let it

cool down and then there is no problems .I asked him to do that on the list what to do to the car .But he did not even read it

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Come to think of it there was a car at Nizpro last week (N/A) where the owner swapped a turbo motor and box into. They were having all sorts of PCM issues, even with the turbo computer... They were running into boost control issues also. Not sure what the outcome was, I just know it was a major headf*ck. I don't think that transplanting these engines is as easy as first thought...

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we have done NA cars that have been transplanted with the turbo motor, the cars we have done have used the turbo wiring loom, ecu etc and we have not had any drama's outside of the sort of things we see on a regular basis

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