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What Calipers Are These?


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took my car into a brake repair shop today for some work and bought the parts I thought I needed for him to complete the job. unfortunately he has told me that the front rotors and pads I purchased are wrong. car is a BA mk2 so I assumed that the front calipers were the ba PBR premium 325mm caliper so bought parts to suit them.


are these the same as the stock front BF calipers, but in red with PBR all over them?

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  • Member For: 14y 6m 23d
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god damn, and all this time I thought I had decent front brakes... thanks for the reply. I guess ill have to find the part numbers to suit these calipers.... are vented rotors worth looking into for these? or just solids with bendix general ct pads

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 21d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Yep, that's the standard boring caliper that has been painted to look like the 325mm one.

This is the real thing:


You can see the different indents - the 325mm caliper has the one indent above the PBR logo, whereas the standard caliper has the two indents - one either side of where the logo is/would normally go.

I had a close call a few years ago. Was buying some 325mm calipers that had come off a Craig Lowndes ute but double checked with some photos just before handing over the money. Turned out that they were standard calipers, painted the same way as yours.

Photo of the standard caliper - you can see the two indents instead of the one centre one:


Edited by PhilMeUp
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