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Hp Tuner Vs Xcal4


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I thought as I mod I was quite helpful..? Hpt can tune zf trans and can also read/write over sct tunes.


Edit, not entirely correct. SCT requires the tuner to build the tune from the ground up (or from a base file) SCT tuners cannot view other tuners tunes without jumping through some hoops via hettods/sct

Hpt can read and modify hpt tunes or sct tunes once the Tune is licensed.

I was told the zf tune was available for B series but not FG yet. Not sure what the difference would be but just going off what I'm told

So if I was to get a retune with HP, the tuner can unlock my SCT tune and modify it with the xcal device?

Trying to see whether its possible to retune using HP but keeping xcal to have multiple tunes. I thought the car might have to be returned to stock every time to load a new tune in and the device would run out of unlocks

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Fg was supported before b series. Possible your source got that arse about.

You could read the custom tune from return the car to stock, save the stock file with HPT and then reflash the hpt modded tune as a stock tune into the xcal.

Helluva lot of stuffing around tho. Trans can be flashed direct.

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Surely that would take less than a few minutes?

It is like 3 different steps with two different pieces of software, wouldn't an oil change take longer?

Edited by Dagabond
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