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What Is The Standard Turbo In An Fg Falcon?


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Test fit done and there is no problems! The housing I have had M12 stamped also so I'm not to sure if there is any difference to the front housing?

I've got photos but only on my phone so I'll upload them soon but from what I have done, this may well be a very basic and cheap performance mod with the turbo still fitted to the vehicle!

Obviously power mods will only be up where the standard wastegate can't be controlled anymore but that's 17-19psi all the way to redline...

My balls are tingling atm as I want it on my car NOW!!!

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 8d
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Post #32 won't let me edit so here is the run down for those photos-

Pic 1- The work bench!

Pic 2- The housing with it's markings and new wheel fitted. As far a I am aware this turbo came off a BF series 1 or 2? (campbell8 was the owner)

Pic 3- Close up of gap between comp wheel and housing. I gave the housing a quick 800 grit and 2000 grit sand to remove the small sand sized chips that had pitted the housing so whether this made a difference or not is debatable as it was just to "knock the tops" off the pits...

With the housing done up tight and the comp wheel nut just nipped the small amount of play in the shaft still doesn't have the wheel touching anywhere so I'm more than happy with it but the big test will be how it works when tuned and if my tuner Dave Sheehy thinks it's any good?

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 8d
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Will try to keep boost at or under the 20psi area as I don't want to leave the transfer case behind when it gets moving!

I'm more worried the wife will break it only because she is a lead foot and doesn't know the car like I do...

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