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Will I Need A Retune?


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  • Member For: 10y 7m 5d

Hey guys when I had my fg f6 in for it's first round of mods I had a 4 inch dump and high flow cat fitted but retained the standard cat back my question is I'm now considering fitting a 4 inch catback for abit of a better note do you guys think the car will need a retune? Or should it be ok thanks guys :)

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  • Member For: 10y 7m 5d

Most likely will need a tune, cause it will be breathing a lot better

Ring your tuner is the best thing to do

Hey wilco yea I attempted to do this he said to me that it would need a couple of power runs and maybe will be ok may not be I sort of found that answer abit vague and tbh I'm not tite but I sort of saw that as a money making exercise

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Not sure what other mods you have but I would be booking it in at the very least for a dyno run to make sure it doesn't ping as it will run leaner and have more boost without the exhaust restrictions.

The tune may be fat enough to cover these changes but it's worth the check anyway!

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it may not have audible ping on the dyno but that does not mean there may not be timing being pulled out by the knock sensor, I tested a car once for a guy that his cousin had tuned his car, dyno run showed everything appearing reasonable, but then data logged it, 10 degrees of timing retard the minute the foot was put down.

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how's that a money making exercise?

Sounds like he may be talking you out of extra work

Hey ratter probably the reason why I'm saying it felt like a money making exercise probably wasn't based just on the fact that he wanted it on the dyno again (he said 99% should be ok but wants it on there) I guess this is reasonable and I'm maybe just abit disappointed with what happened when there was originally told my quote was for stainless dump and cat (was silly didn't get it in writing) when picking car up saw mild steel stuff and was told this is what I was quoted for secondly mechanics apprentice gave it a thrashing taking it up the road which I bit my tongue about and thirdly was told I needed a new panel filter k&n and was chared 160 for it which is a big mark up (I understand that workshops have to make a profit and am all for that) but 160 for the filter when your already paying the original quoted price I'm not a tite person I pay what people ask but I found it unfair. Also was told that my work was delayed coz stock dump pipe wouldn't come off tbh I sorta didn't believe it after what happened and asked his mechanic if the dump pipe bolts gave him trouble he said what trouble it came off easily we were just held up. Either way I must give give credit where it's due tune feels great and car feels good. Just really disappointed in the business practices and I won't be back it's a shame. I know you may be sceptical of me being I'm a new member but I'm being honest and I guess they left abit of a sour taste in my mouth

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 5d
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not sceptical about anything, I hear some amazing stories customers have been told when we are fixing up other shops work, but your tuner has given you the correct answer, for him to know, it needs to be run up and checked, if boost has changed it needs a tune for sure, even with an exhaust change and the boost remaining the same, the spark tables may need adjustment, the way to find out is put it on the dyno and check

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