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Peppy's Build Thread

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Oath they do... well mine does anyway

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 11m 5d
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  • Location: Liverpool

Hmm the ulx stuff is hard to find around here, I'll have another look around tomorrow..

Everything else came today, ohh how exciting, everything is so pretty, the shafts, hubs, studs, trutrac, bearings, seals and a set of various shims just for variety








I just opened and checked everything, tidied up abit, everything's there, just need some oil and new wheel nuts as the new wheel studs are longer..

Now installing the twin bush setup, it's pretty straight forward, and the instructions are thorough, I set it up with the empty housing, lots of measurements and levelling, to make sure it's all sitting true and keeps the correct pinion angle, a few tacks while everything is installed then remove the diff and hat to finish it off, a coat of paint and all good..


A quick check to make sure nothing moved


And see how much more we can get done tomorrow!

Edited by Peppy_t92
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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 11m 5d
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  • Location: Liverpool

Got a boiler maker mate to come past and have a look at my weld job on the cradle.. After he had a good laugh at my expense, he said it will be fine, suggested a couple spots that could use some more and sorted it out..

I got some pics of the stripped centre all cleaned up and ready to start going back together









Pressing the old hubs and bearings out was interesting, I read up abit on it and everyone says what a pain it is.. I soaked it in wd40 and made up a tool/jig for my little hand held press, pretty proud of my efforts as it took all of 5 mins to remove the hubs


It split the bearing in half in the process but it was easy enough to bash the casing out



I picked up the last couple of items today, some open wheel nuts for the longer studs and some redline gear oil

Hopefully it it all built tomorrow and install the cradle Thursday!

Edited by Peppy_t92
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