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Replacing Ignition Barrel

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  • Member For: 13y 2m 12d

Hi all Turbo heads,

Question, can I replace the ignition key barrel only,

My 3 yr old son stuck a stick in the ignition and snapped it off and me being filled with rage couldn't find a way to remove it sensibly so I got the drill out and drilled it out,


So I thought,

Key went in,

Car starts,

Car shuts down,

Oh Crap,,, Cant get key out,

I damaged the key entry gate and it catches on the end of the key on the way out,

Back to Rage,, LOL

I see a lot of people are saying the whole column need to be replaced as the barrel cant be removed,


I found that the ignition can be removed and a replacement can be purchased,

I need to know ,

does the barrel itself need coding along with key or can I just replace the barrel and take the immobilizer chip out of my existing key and put in new key..


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Barrel doesn't need to coded. New Keys will need to be coded to car. If you have original 2 keys you can code the keys yourself.

If you don't you'll have to get ford to carry out a key code. (or if you are in Perth I can do this for you for modest fee)

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  • Member For: 13y 2m 12d

Ok This is what I found on training new keys,,

You will need to have 2 coded keys available if you wish to train a new key.
ensure you have all keys present during recoding as any key not present will be removed from the memory.

Sit is the drivers seat with doors closed
Put the first coded key into the ignition & turn to the ACC position.
Turn this key to the OFF postition & remove the key.
Within 5 seconds put the 2nd coded key into the ignition & turn this key to the ON postition.
Turn this key back to the OFF postition and remove the key.
The door locks will then cylcle to indicate that the learning mode is active.
Within 5 seconds put the new 3rd or new key into the ignition & turn to the ON postition.
The door locks will cycle 3 times to indicate the 3rd key has been trained , ensure you wait for the locks to finish cycling before turning the key to the OFF position.
Repeat this step for any following keys , The 4th key trained will cycle the locks 4 times, and so on. you can train up to a maximum of 8 keys.

your new key should now be coded to your car.

Problem is its a new barrel how will my original keys train a new barrel and keys??

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
  • Lifetime Members
  • Member For: 18y 11m 27d
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  • Location: Perth

You don't need to train the barrel. Only the keys to the transponder.

I would suggest setting up the old key in the barrel, and then remove the receiver from the steering column.

Follow the procedure to setup the learn procedure. Once you have started the procedure and coded the original key move the receiver so it can read the second old key and the two new keys and cycle the old key for each new key learn.

Once you have coded the new keys swap out the barrel.

Or if you have the Key code see if you can specify that key code/barrel combo when you buy the barrel.

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