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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 7m 10d
Cheers it was good fun.

No oil cooler. Just do a cool down lap every now and then. Didn't generate any high coolant temps either.

What I did have was fuel getting so hot it was boiling I think. When the second pump would click in (5psi) it would basically die and surge like crazy.
I'm thinking the fuel was so hot and stationary on the inlet to the second pump and when it turns on it creates a vacuum and boils it getting a air lock.

I have had it happen at powercruise when below 1/4 of a tank. But it was happening above half after about 10 min of track work.
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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 7m 10d

Any suggestions on a fuel system to support power without generating heat? Really want to get the surge tank out of the engine bay as I feel it was radiant heat doing most of the damage.

Don't really want to put one in the boot either. I know lots of choices left ;)

Are the intank only setups worthy these days? Being a bf1 I think I have to upgrade the tank anyway?
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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 9m
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  • Location: Adelaide

Go to the effort to drop the tank and buzz in a FG one, nearly all the in tank modules are sorted now and can deliver what you will want 

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  • Member For: 21y 5m 27d
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  • Location: Townsville

Isn't the return line the restriction (in the pot itself) along with the stock fuel reg which you can drill out if you don't have an external reg setup.
Aftermarket Industries have a drop in intank surge pot that will support bookoo power (haven't said bookoo in years...lol) but pull out your wallet! They support the new Bosch pumps and the Walbro's.
Ai also have finished their undercar surge tank afaik but again it's not cheap...
Aeromotive dual phantom or similar is supposedly excellent also, that's from a mechanic and long term racing bloke up in Cairns. He has it fitted to his territory but I believe he's upgraded all fuel lines to and from the engine (-6 feed and - 8 return) but again that kit is $1300+ and not just a drop in as he said to me.
I'm torn with what to do on my F6X as far as fueling is concerned. I don't want to scrimp but I also don't want to pay a million bucks for it all!
I can try and dig up the pics if you're interested.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 7m 10d

Return restriction is long gone, and running a aftermarket reg. I could get base pressure down below 2.5 bar from memory with both pumps on.

I think a drop in twin pump setup is the go these days.

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