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Atomic don't hire out there tool anymore. Supposedly lost in the mail.

Speaking to him, he might warrant them if the seat pressure is gone to sh*t. He said send em down and he will check em.

How to keep the valves in place for many days though??

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Just watched the one on a tensioner. He used a modified dipstick as it has to extend down pretty far.
This was my point. From memory you can't reach down there with your fingers very easy.


Anyone know if ford have a useful tool? I have ford contacts, but unless I tell them exactly what to borrow they don't go looking.

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Metal coat hangar ...... cut it, bend it


Use a bungee strap to hold up the chain and attach to bonnet lock clip ( use a strut locking tool or a pole to keep bonnet up ) 


loosen the camshaft caps together ( inlet/exhaust ) and as they loosen up the cams will rise upwards at the back, pull camshafts free ( forward ) with sprockets still attached to cams , bungie strap takes up the chain slack forcing it in the correct position on the lower sprocket... pull the cams through the chain until out of the engine bay. Chain will then be pulled directly upward 


do the valvesprings now


on re installation of the cams,chain you need to force the tensioner back to all the way retracted , use the handle of a hammer to push the piston into the retracted position, the holding latch will move up to a point where you can place the coat hanger end through the latch hole and then holding it in the fully retracted position. 


Now take one sprocket off of a cam shaft , fit the other back into the head and reverse tighten the cam caps to spec 


fit the other cam shaft minus the sprocket into place, tighten cam caps 

fit chain around sprocket, “Roll” the sprocket into position on the camshaft face and locate and fasten cam bolt ( Etorx ) and torque to spec, pull coat hanger out of locked position latch and rotate harmonic balancer via breaker bar and 23mm socket to move the engine through a bunch of cycles checking the valve springs are all seated nicely, valves aren’t touching pistons, and giving the tensioner a chance to extend outwards to take up chain slack. 


Key is get TDC before removing anything


check TDC before manually rotating engine after valvesprings installation 


reinstall everything and start car ! 


My thread is chocka block of visual tips ! 





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  • Puff
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12 minutes ago, JETURBO said:

Key is get TDC before removing anything




Moral if the story is...don't hang your clothes up straight away cos you never know when you'll need a hanger.

Take that mum :aaggl:

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