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The Crazy Taxi - Fg F6 / Tr6060 Powered Ba Futura

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Looking good mate, sounds like you need a better cooler maybe? I know my car feels a fair bit different in winter on a stock tune. QLD weather is killer.

Any pics of how the interior is looking now?

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Thanks mate, somewhat happy how it looks just unhappy with the front. New wheels should sit further out and im hoping bf mk1 bar should make the front look less crown victoria cop car and a bit more aggressive. Will probably ditch the badge on the grill too.

Looking at this cooler: https://www.treadstoneperformance.com/product.phtml?p=86217&cat_key=63&prodname=TRV25+Series+Intercooler++1000HP .With the AUD crashing though im leaning towards buying a nice core and getting some tanks made up. The treadstone one is still only $700 posted to oz though.

Wouldnt've thought its the cooler as it makes no difference if I drive off boost the whole way. Soon as I park and get back in I see 60c, even in winter lol. Anyway its not an issue in the future as the fg engine has a pw plenum so all this sh*t piping ive put up with will be in the recycle bin.

I'll get pics of the interior this week if I can, car is hard to get to at the moment.

Edited by luke187
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Mate try and get a guy named johnnytig to do a cooler for you. Apparently he is the ducks nuts at the moment

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PM sent mate

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Mate try and get a guy named johnnytig to do a cooler for you. Apparently he is the ducks nuts at the moment

*unproven. They are massive coolers, though :)

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Sorted out my cooler problem for the time being, picked up a second hand rapid v2 cooler for a few hundred off gumtree. Was on the car for 3 days before it was written off so its like brand new, since it was off and I had some spare time I figured id straighten all the fins out lol. Gotta say it was actually fun. The cooler will look nice sitting up in between the headlights but ive decided im going to stick with a black cooler and the no obvious signs its had a turbo swap because of the PoPo and the fact it generates zero interest from them, and also for the wtf looks you get from people who were sure they'd blow you away.




Since I have a process west one sitting around id thought id compare the 2. Dimensions wise the PW has a monster 4.5" thick core where as this one is 3.5, with the rapid cooler being 20mm shorter as well. I'll try get some pics of the cores to compare the internal core design.

In terms of design the most obvious thing is the end tank design, or lack thereof and is typical to cheaper intercoolers. Both the inlet and outlet face directly at each other, so with air behaving like a fluid it will take the path of least resistance and just flow straight through to the other side with little of it filling the top part of the tank, a bit like this:


Once its setup with the new engine I'll get some logs and then look into a fix for the tank design, seeing how much it picks up and how far away it ends up from similar tests on expensive coolers.

One mod we did over the last 6 months was the clutch master cylinder. The stupid design of a plastic end of the rod is put through a lot of stress and 12 years later are brittle, heavy clutch resulted with this just taking off from home:


Mal wood does a billet shaft with a nylon bush so I sent the master cyl with the broken end away and are really happy with what we got back. All up it cost something like $110 which I was happy for since a new cylinder was $200, and while we were at it did away with the stupid locking washer nut that holds in place, drilling a hole on the clutch pedal side and using a split pin so now it can be dropped real quick.


Heres the pic under the dash with it installed:


As soon as I pushed the clutch pedal it was obvious it was far better, and driving it left an even better impression. Much smoother, the pedal is lighter and no longer feels flimsy. Quick shifts as well were much easier. Anyone who had a manual id recommend doing this mod to save getting stuck as its inevitable the plastic end will fail, and then for feel as it really did make that much of a difference.

Still on the hunt for a surge tank, at the moment we're looking at a drop in replacement plazmaman style one like this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/171867672252?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT ,or modifying and going to an aerofast once since their 4l tanks are only $150.

Edited by luke187
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