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How To Test Fuel Pressure Reg With A Guage On A Xr6T

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  • Member For: 13y 4d

Well the factory one is around 150lph from memory so anything that size or slightly bigger will be the best bet, that's if you genuinely aren't going to be looking for more power

thanks for that info... are the factory ones (150 lph) border line or do the job easily? basically at what level does the standard pump become not enough

thanks for all the info boys

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This controversial but 300rwkw with no less than a quarter tank if giving it a raping.

Most people just buy a surge tank setup once decent mods begin and the standard pump then has enough flow to prime the surge tank no problems.

A walbro pump is cheaper and outflows the standard pump with a bigger pickup entry hole.

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  • Member For: 12y 4m 15d

Please tell me you've gapped the plugs! I know it sounds obvious and maybe not relevant but mine had been running rough for probably a solid year, had the return line drilled out at the fuel pump but still ran rough, checked it on the dyno for ratios etc etc, the plugs I'd fitted two weeks earlier still factory gapped so a 20 minute job to gap em smaller and I'm running spot on, still a little rough on dead cold unless I let it idle for a few minutes. MInes on 390kw with Bosch 044

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  • Member For: 7y 5m 5d

Another pump question. BF xr6t - flash tuned and flowed injectors only (stock pump). After sitting for a couple of hours when starting you need to hold the key on for a few seconds before starting. Strait starting results in pre-ignition or backfire (which blows the PCV hose off). 

1: Is this likley to be caused by fuel pressure dissipating when shut down? 

2: If yes, are there a few likely causes.  


I can buy a guage and test but if there are other ways to diagnose the prob with my eyes, or if there is a common fault peeps know about I can save the money. 

Thanks in advance

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