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How To Test Fuel Pressure Reg With A Guage On A Xr6T

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fuel pressure should actually increase with boost pressure, not just hold even


Benny, would u test before fuel filter or at the regulator.. (vn's used to have a connection where the fuel rail is to hook up a pressure guage? ba's have anything like that?

I'd measure pressure as close to the rail as you can. I connect into the fuel line right before the rail on my GT. It will depend on how the gauge you have can be connected into the line.

If your issue gets worse with low fuel I'd be pulling the pump and swirl pot to check that as well. Not an easy job with a ute I know.


Edited by Benny
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I'd measure pressure as close to the rail as you can. I connect into the fuel line right before the rail on my GT. It will depend on how the gauge you have can be connected into the line.

If your issue gets worse with low fuel I'd be pulling the pump and swirl pot to check that as well. Not an easy job with a ute I know.


ok will try and hook up the reg tomorrow... benny any idea wat pressure it should be.... and regards to the fuel pump... ive just read up on it....... omfg wat a mission .. still havnt decided if im gonna change it from top or the bottom.... as from the bottom removing the tank is good to clean it

thanks for the help I will reply back tomorrow with it

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Id still be replacing those coils ......

So would I. Cracked = farked. Your meter can't tell you what's going on when the coils hot and under load.

I'll be amazed if it's a fuel pressure issue with a known suspect coil.

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4 bar at idle. Should rise 1:1 with boost. Sounds like the problem I had. Car would not rev out with under half a tank, but had perfect pressure at idle. When the problem is happening does the car hunt back and forth?

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4 bar at idle. Should rise 1:1 with boost. Sounds like the problem I had. Car would not rev out with under half a tank, but had perfect pressure at idle. When the problem is happening does the car hunt back and forth?

thanks for the help boys

when you mean hunt what do you mean?

ralph I think I will change the coils like you said but still gotta be a problem with fuel being after half a tank issue gets real bad

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